What’s Your Heal-n-Soothe Dose?

LWN-HnS-BottleTrans-1We often are often asked by our customers about how much Heal-n-Soothe they should take. Because every person’s pain, inflammation, and condition are different, there’s no “sure fire” answer to this question. Some people take as little as 3 capsules per day; others take 16 or more per day.

So, the real answer to questions about the proper dose of Heal-n-Soothe is really … It depends…

We understand that’s not what you were looking for. The good news is, we have created a dose strategy that will help you find the best dose for you!

Finding Your Dose of Heal-n-Soothe

  • Avoid food at times when taking Heal-n-Soothe
    • Do not eat 30 minutes before taking it
    • Do not eat 60 minutes after taking it
  • Dosing needs vary by individual’s needs and condition.
  • When first starting HNS, the following dosing guidelines should be followed:
    • Day 1, take 6 total capsules, 3 in the morning, 3 in the evening
    • Day 2, take 8 total capsules, 4 in the morning, 4 in the evening
    • Day 3, take 10 total capsules, 5 in the morning, 5 in the evening
    • Day 4, take 12 total capsules, 6 in the morning, 6 in the evening
    • Day 5, take 13 total capsules, 6 in the morning, 7 in the evening
    • Day 6, take 14 total capsules, 7 in the morning, 7 in the evening
  • You should continue adding one capsule per day until feeling a difference. Then stay at that dose for at least 1 week
  • After 1 week at the same dose, if you are comfortable, you can take one fewer capsule per day until you notice a change for the worse.
  • Add back that capsule to get back to a level of comfort, and continue taking to continue feeling better.

stevehefferonlgYou can listen to this audio where our Co-Founder, Steve Hefferon, discusses this in more detail here:

Filed Under: Heal-n-Soothe
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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21 thoughts on “What’s Your Heal-n-Soothe Dose?”

  1. Linda says:

    I am having a very hard time getting my Heal-n-Soothe capsules swallowed. They always get “stuck” between my throat and stomach. It doesn’t matter how much water I drink when taking them. I then start belching and can taste the capsules and get a mild heartburn-like sensation. I’m wondering if they are starting to dissolve before they reach my stomach. I then drink even more water to try to get them to go down. I’m to the point where I want to stop taking them because of this, but I really need some pain relief. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get the capsules down to my stomach quicker?

    1. Sarah Foster says:

      Yes, you could try taking them with applesauce or open the capsule and dump and mix the context into the applesauce and take it that way.

  2. Steven Hefferon says:

    Here are some tips for taking any supplement:

    1. If it is a capsule, you can put the capsule in your hand and run water over the capsule for a few seconds allowing the capsule to get wet and then put the capsule in your mouth, that will also wash off any what is called “over fill” the get on the outside of the capsule during encapsulation.

    2. If need be take the supplement with a thicker liquid like OJ with pulp, as the thicker the liquid the more likely the capsule is to go down.

    3. And if all else fails, you can open the capsule and put the content in apple sauce and take with spoon.

    Hope this helps


  3. Linda says:

    Thank you, Steve. Your tips were helpful. I’ll try one (or more) of them.


  4. Rahn Barnes says:

    I also found it helpful. I increased my order to 3 bottles a month to accommodate

  5. Dianna says:

    What type of diet should I be on while taking the HNS

  6. Steve HBI Staff says:


    There is no one specific or exact type of diet we ask you to follow but we did just write a cookbook, that highlights the need to eat food that will minimize your inflammation..
    you can get a free copy here : https://secure.losethebackpain.com/products/live-pain-free-cookbook/110/sp-live-pain-free-cookbook


    Steve HBI Staff

  7. Marion Brown says:

    I have been on Heal-n-Soothe for three days and cannot believe how great I feel. I am 76 years old and have had fibromyalgia and arthritis for 50 years. I am just used to the discomfort and pain. I am thrilled to find this capsule. I will shout this to my fellow suffers. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Marion Brown

  8. Connie says:

    I just started with 3 caps yesterday and this morning was the first time I got up with NO ache in my back (thought this was my pillow). And no discomfort in my feet. I am thrilled so far…….and will continue for sure. If this continues I will be ordering more with a big smile on my face……

    1. Steve Hefferon says:

      Connie, Thank you for the kind words and please know that if you want or need any additional help or have questions at any time, we are here to support you in this process, just go to the top of this page and click on “contact us” and fill out a ticket and we will be glad to help you.


      Steve HBI-Staff

  9. Carol Ryan says:

    If one is experiencing difficulty swallowing capsule, one can put water in mouth ,pop capsule in and swallow. If there is still difficulty, one can put capsule in small amount of pudding, jelly[preserves], ice cream or apple sauce and swallow. I worked as a home health/Hospice nurse and was able to help pts. who swore they couldn’t swallow any kind of pill , swallow pills, capsules.
    I have been taking Heal-N- Soothe and it has relieved hip and muscular pain radiating from back.

  10. Jackie Mcclure says:

    I was taking 2, then I hr. Another 2. I tend to get heart burn easily. I think today I’ll take another two. My pain issue is not that bad. I find the the h &s helps lower BP, with which I’ve been struggling years. My son has serious pain issues. He’s been cut off opioids. Right he’s taking poppy tea, which is legal but not that helpful. I just started getting h&sill have to convince him to take 6 at a time. Jackie Mcclure

    1. Oral says:

      Hi Steve can l take advil while taking heal and soothe

  11. Susan says:

    Since starting with H&S and the Super Joint Support about a month ago, I have been having loose stools to diahhrea, and now it seems mostly to be diahhrea. I take 4 HNS in the morning, and again the same amount at night. I know loose stools can be one of the initial side effects as we get used to taking the HSN supplement. How long might this last, and is there anything I can do naturally to counter this? The good news is that I am pain free and not limping!

    1. Steve says:

      Susan, I would ask you to look at is what other supplements are you taking, that may also loosen stool like magnesium, SJS supplies 100% of the RDA for magnesium, that said, taking any more than that could loosen your stool. That is just one example please look for others…



  12. Dawnrose Wentworth says:

    I will be trying this product. So glad you are there to answer questions and concerns. Makes me feel better about the cost. Seems like One bottle does not last but a couple weeks. Either way thanks for helping us on the planet!! God bless you

    1. STEVEN says:

      Dawnrose, In the beginning, additional enzymes are suggested in order to breakdown the internal and excess scar tissue all over the body, once you feel a difference you can cut back to the suggested maintenance serving.

  13. John Cochrane says:

    I have spinal stenosis. Will this product ease the pain while I walk?

    1. Steven Hefferon, CMT, PTA says:

      The Heal n Soothe could help your functional mobility but would also add, please also do some stretches and exercises to achieve a more balanced body and minimize and affect from the stenosis. Thanks

  14. Kathryn Bishop says:

    My knee pain has gone down a lot more than 2 points! My headaches have “mystertiously” left! My ears keep opening! If I get a back pain it goes away way yonder sooner than it used to! My thumb feels better! Hey! Maybe I can live through this getting old stuff!

    1. Admin says:

      Kathryn, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback. It is really great to hear you are doing so well!

      Thank you so much for being a valued customer.

      Do please contact us if you feel you need any further advice at any time

      Our Very Best Wishes
      Admin(The Healthy Back Institute)

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