Using Pilates to Heal and Prevent Chronic Back Pain

It’s pretty hard to drive around “middle America” and not see at least a few Pilates studios. Is this just a trend that will come and go, or was Joseph Pilates on to something when he created floor exercises that would later become a staple of modern fitness?

Though many people may not be too familiar with Pilates, fitness experts feel that Pilates is one of the best ways to strengthen and tone the muscles of the core. Not to mention, many people are using Pilates as a way to heal and prevent chronic back pain.

The slow controlled movements enable people with pain to begin to strengthen the abdominals and muscles in the lower back. In fact, these techniques were used by Joseph Pilates to rehabilitate injured detainees of WW1. He later began teaching students from around 1926 to 1966, which led to the widespread growth of Pilates training.

Why Does Pilates Help Heal Chronic Back Pain?

Let’s take a closer look at why Pilates may be the answer to your lower back pain. One of the major contributing factors to lower back pain is the presence of weak and tight muscles. Poor posture and lack of mobility /exercise lead to weak muscle groups. These muscles are integral in keeping the body in proper alignment.

Another reason why Pilates is so helpful in rehabilitation is due to the fact that proper Pilate’s techniques are done with slow, controlled movements. When you are in pain, general exercise can be tough. The impact and strenuous motions of a “typical workout” may actually make your problem worse.

How to Get Started with Pilates?

Some Pilates techniques involve the use of equipment. However, you can do a wide assortment of Pilates exercises on a simple floor mat. Many local gyms feature Pilates classes as part of a monthly membership. These classes are usually mat Pilates only. If you want to take it more seriously and are seeking more rehabilitation than exercise, you should look for an actual studio.

A solid certified Pilates instructor will give you the guidance so that you can strengthen those abs all the while relieving your back pain.

You can also get a free Pilates DVD called Pilates Made Easy – click here

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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