Spinal Stenosis Decompression

Spinal stenosis happens when the spinal cord and its surrounding nerves become compressed as a result of degeneration. One way to treat the problem is spinal stenosis decompression surgery. However, surgery is not the only option for coping with the condition.

Spinal stenosis decompression surgery has a number of approaches. One, called Laminectomy, can be performed as an open procedure and removes any bone, bone spurs or ligaments that are causing the stenosis. This procedure can also be done in a less invasive manner using small incisions to achieve the same results.


Another approach involves using bone grafts to fuse the vertebrae together forming a more stable spinal column.

Yet another method for surgical stenosis decompression is to use some kind of instrument to achieve stability. Insertion of a metal rod remains somewhat controversial in the field of spinal stenosis treatments, but some people have found success and ultimately relief using this approach.

As stenosis is a degenerative disorder, surgery tends to have a high short term success rate, but long term success rates can taper off. Here’s where some alternative methods for achieving decompression and treatment for spinal stenosis come into play.

Inversion therapy is one way to decompress the spine and help everything naturally. The procedure involves turning the body totally upside down to allow gravity to naturally relieve the pressure in the spine. The Healthy Back Institute offers a number of inversion tables for those who want to try inversion therapy in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Visit losethebackpain.com for more information on inversion therapy and their selection of tables.

A modified exercise routine may also help reduce pain related to spinal stenosis. It’s important for spinal stenosis patients to remain as active as possible to avoid speeding up the degeneration process. The Healthy Back Institute has a range of e-books and DVD programs on their site to help you achieve and maintain a healthy back, even if you have spinal stenosis.

Some patients may find symptomatic relief from cortisone injections directly into the affected area. It can help reduce swelling and relieve some of the pain, tingling and numbness involved with spinal stenosis.

While you never want to become a pill popper, sometimes over the counter pain relievers can help reduce the swelling and thus relieve the pain for spinal stenosis sufferers. Make sure you use NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to achieve maximum swelling reduction and pain relief. Medications like Aleve and Ibuprofen are extremely effective at soothing pain and reducing inflammation, which can lead to temporary pain relief. However, this is not a permanent solution. It will merely help cope with the pain of spinal stenosis. Taking over the counter pain medications too much can have some pretty adverse side effects, including stomach bleeding, ulcers and liver damage. So, use them sparingly.

The Healthy Back Institute understands the struggles that go along with spinal stenosis. If spinal stenosis decompression is right for you, and you want to find out more about it and other methods for treating spinal stenosis, visit losethebackpain.com today.

Filed Under: Spine
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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