Research does show that lower back pain is a commonplace ailment afflicting the majority of patients at one time or another in their life. Basically, lower back pain is a markedly tormenting concern that afflicts 80% of the worlds population and is definitely among the most prevalent health complaints worldwide. It is said t … Read More
Causes of Lower Back Pain with Nausea

Lower Back Pain with Nausea may be caused by various medical conditions. It depends on the location of the back pain, how severe the pain in the back is and if there are any additional symptoms. In some cases, the nausea may be caused by the severity of the back pain, but generally, back pain and nausea are connected to some … Read More
Causes of Lower Back Pain and Leg Pain
Have you ever been sitting at your desk and you realize you've been hunched over at a precarious position for forty-five minutes straight? As soon as you straighten up or stand up to take a break, you start to feel pressure and muscle tightness in your lower back and buttocks. What are the causes of lower back pain and leg p … Read More
Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain
There are several causes of chronic lower back pain, but they can be classified into two main groups: Chronic it’s been going on for quite a while, or acute. Should the pain be classified as acute, it is fairly recent. Lower back pain can render someone pretty much useless because of everything that we rely on our lower bac … Read More
Causes for Lower Back Pain in Women
Back pain is something that can make you feel like you don't have any control over your body. Back pain in women can be particularly challenging because of the sensitivity of the area. Women are more prone to having lower back pain because of the several conditions that they are likely to contract because of their sex. Stra … Read More
Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Lower Back Pain?
Many different physical ailments can cause lower back pain, mostly due to the proximity of the pained area to the back. Cysts can cause back pain depended where they are located on the body, which is why so many women want to know if ovarian cysts cause lower back pain. Understanding Ovarian Cysts A basic cyst is a sac fil … Read More
Best Chair for Lower Back Pain
Sitting for long periods of time can place massive amounts of stress on your back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs. What's worse, most people tend to slouch when sitting, which overstretches the spinal ligaments and puts strain on spinal discs and back muscles. This can lead to serious lower back problems and back pain. Th … Read More
Lower Back Pain Stretches with a Partner - Learn how to perform lower back pain stretches with a partner. Dr. Mark Wiley will demonstrate how to effectively stretch the lower back while using a partner. … Read More
Written By: June 9,2011
Do-It-Yourself Chinese Medicine for Lower Back Pain
By Matthew Scott Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its 2500 year old history, offers many lower back pain remedies - lower back stretches and strengthening exercises, massage techniques, acupuncture, herbal remedies, liniments, sticking plasters and others. Some require a trained TCM practitioner to administ … Read More
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Lower Back Pain
"We tend to get what we expect." – Norman Vincent Peale Allow me to be blunt. I have helped literally tens of thousands of people from around the world overcome back pain and sciatica. I have failed to help many thousands more. And almost always the difference lies in the attitude, expectations, and willingness of the perso … Read More