Radicular Pain

Radicular pain is caused when a nerve in the spinal column is compressed or damaged. Sciatica is an example of radicular pain, and herniated discs are a common cause of it.

Sciatica happens when the sciatic nerve in the lower back becomes compressed. This will result in pain as well as a numbness or tingling sensation in one of the legs or buttocks.

Sciatica and the associated radicular pain can be caused by any number of things that would throw your spine out of alignment. Pregnancy is a big one. The added weight on the front portion of the body causes the mother to alter the way she carries her upper body, and puts an extreme amount of strain on the lower back. Additionally, persistently poor posture can cause the sciatic nerve to become compressed as your back slips out of alignment from slouching all the time.

A herniated disc can also cause sciatica, or radicular pain throughout the back. A herniated disc happens when the discs between your spine’s vertebrae become dislocated or ruptured. These discs act as cushions between each individual vertebra and, as they wear out over time, they become more susceptible to damage. This can cause them to be displaced, which places pressure on nearby nerves, resulting in radicular pain.

What Can You Do to Treat Radicular Pain?
Generally speaking a conservative course of action is used to treat radicular pain. Surgery is often a last resort, as it is invasive and costly, and doesn’t always help – especially if the condition is not due to a herniated disc.

First, try exercise. When you’re in severe pain, it can be difficult to be motivated to get moving, however strengthening your core muscles will help to better support your body. That means taking pressure off that irritated nerve that’s causing your radicular pain. Low impact exercises are ideal for this task. Walking, swimming and yoga are all great ways to strengthen your core and help relieve radicular pain.

Try heat therapy. When the problem is radicular pain, you may want to go the extra mile and invest in an infrared heating pad. The heat from an infrared pad can penetrate the area much more deeply and provide you with long lasting pain relief. It works by allowing heat to soothe sensitive areas and calm tense muscles that put additional pressure on the irritated nerve. So where can you get an infrared heating pad? The Healthy Back Institute has several to choose from. Just head over to losethebackpain.com now, and lose that back pain!

A massage may also help you get rid of your radicular pain. Much like heat therapy, it will help soothe tense muscles and speed oxygen rich blood to the area, which helps your back heal faster.

The Healthy Back Institute focuses on natural ways to help relieve all kinds of back pain, including radicular pain. Their techniques are generally low impact, and have an extremely high success rate. To see for yourself, visit losethebackpain.com now!

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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