Pillow for Lower Back Pain

Across the country, thousands of people suffer from back pain. The pain can be so severe that it actually prevents some people from participating in their daily events. Because of the wide range of causes of lower back pain, finding an appropriate treatment plan is often difficult. Many patients find relief from simple pillow therapy. In the case of serious underlying medical conditions, when used in conjunction with pain medications and physical therapy, the patient is able to experience a degree of relief that allows them to continue taking part in their daily activities. If the cause of your lower back pain is simply because of bad posture from sitting all day, then a pillow might be all you need to alleviate it without having to pop a pill.

There are two types of lower back pain pillow therapies. The first is designed to improve overall posture and alleviate strain on taxed muscles. This therapy typically involves a specialized pillow, or “form,” that is used while the patient is sitting. Often referred to as lumbar support pillows, the forms provide proper support as well as correct positioning of the lower spine. Many patients find that by utilizing a lumbar support pillow while driving or while sitting at their desk, they are able to alleviate many of their symptoms. Lumbar support pillows can be somewhat expensive and are not typically covered by insurance policies, still many patients opt to purchase pillows on their own.


The second type of pillow used as lower back pain therapy is for during sleep. Most medical experts agree that when a patient is suffering from lower back pain, lying flat on their back with their knees slightly bent is the ideal sleeping position. By placing a pillow under the knees, patients are less likely to allow their knees to fall, thereby placing additional strain on the lower back. Though there are pillows made specifically for this purpose which are typically triangular in shape, patients can receive the same results in their quest for pain relief by simply utilizing a regular sleeping pillow.

Because lower back pain is caused by strain leading to inflammation of the surrounding tissues, consistent pillow therapy is needed to reduce inflammation over an extended period of time. Some might seek over-the-counter pain medication to aid in this, but at Losethebackpain.com, we believe a more holistic approach is best used as a first course of action. Of course, in cases of severe pain, consulting a doctor for a prescription may be necessary. However, doctors typically prescribe pain medication in conjunction with muscle relaxants which can make you tired and drowsy. Many patients shy away from many of these medications because they must often be taken for long periods of time and can lead to addictions. Try a natural muscle relaxation technique that is chemical free first; maybe you can avoid putting more pills into your body.

Because lower back pain is caused by strain leading to inflammation of the surrounding tissues, consistent pillow therapy is needed to reduce inflammation over an extended period of time. Some might seek over-the-counter pain medication to aid in this, but at Losethebackpain.com, we believe a more holistic approach is best used as a first course of action. Of course, in cases of severe pain, consulting a doctor for a prescription may be necessary. However, doctors typically prescribe pain medication in conjunction with muscle relaxants which can make you tired and drowsy. Many patients shy away from many of these medications because they must often be taken for long periods of time and can lead to addictions. Try a natural muscle relaxation technique that is chemical free first; maybe you can avoid putting more pills into your body.

For more information on cushions for back pain sufferers, visit losethebackpain.com

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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