Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar disc hernation is painful and debilitating. It happens when one of the discs meant to cushion your spinal column becomes displaced, making it difficult and painful to move, as well as putting pressure on nearby nerves – which can cause a tingling sensation or numbness in your lower extremities. In fact, sciatica – or … Read More

Filed Under: Lumbar
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

The Link Between Obesity & Back Pain

It’s no secret that obesity can cause a wide variety of health problems, but what many overweight people do not realize is that obesity can also cause complications for existing health problems. Specifically being obese poses a big danger to the cardiovascular system because it makes health problems such as heart disease, di … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lower Back and Hip Pain and Discomfort

The human anatomy is truly a very impressive compilation of cells, organs, bones, nerves and muscles. It is amazing to see how the body communicates and operates. Whether we take note of it or not, our feelings directly reflect on how well our body doing. A measurement of good health can be how much pain and discomfort we fe … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lumbar Disc Disease

Lumbar disc disease is actually fairly common. In fact, spinal disc degeneration is the norm and to be expected as a result of the ageing process. Lumbar disc disease specifically refers to discs in the lower back. As you age, the discs in your spinal column become worn out and more susceptible to damage. This results in a … Read More

Filed Under: Disk Disease
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lower Back Ache

Did you know that back pain is the second most common cause of absenteeism at work in the US? Many people suffer long terms effects from a lower back injury—whether from a strain or sprain. Once you injure your lower back, intermittent aches well after you heal can be expected, because of the sensitive nerves that are locat … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Nurses and Back Pain

Many professions innately cause workplace injuries or lead to back pain, but one position stands above the rest. Nursing is notoriously hard on the back and creates a unique challenge for those in the profession. In fact, problems suffered while nursing are the second most leading cause of the non fatal injuries suffered by … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lower Back Pain Acupuncture

Accompanying the movement to become more "green" and natural with the things we do, products we use, and things we put into our bodies, acupuncture is becoming a much more popular method for relieving low back pain. More and more people are shying away from using over the counter medications as a crutch for relieving pain of … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Nerve Damage

Although degenerative disc is a relatively common occurrence that comes with age and trauma to the discs, causing degeneration and loss of integrity, there is another concern that you need to worry about, which is lumbar degenerative disc disease nerve damage. Lumbar degenerative disc disease is easily capable of becoming t … Read More

Filed Under: Disk Disease
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Low Back Pain

Dealing with pain is never easy—and low back pain is one of the worst. For many people, it is chronic, and doesn't end. There are many methods of dealing with it, and ways to make it worse. Finding out the back pain was caused in the first place is part of the solution in getting rid of it. First, figure out the true cause … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Non-Surgical Treatments for Sciatica

Many people who suffer from Sciatica wonder what the non-surgical treatments for sciatica are. There is good news! There are many non-surgical treatments for sciatica which can easily be performed at home. Sciatica is somewhat easy to get rid of if you understand what the underlying cause of the pain is. Sciatica is simply a … Read More

Filed Under: Sciatica
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,