Neck Pain, Headaches, Jaw Pain, and Double Vision

When you are experiencing neck pain, headaches, jaw pain and double vision, one of the more common injuries that may have been sustained to cause this collection is the whiplash category of injuries. While whiplash is most commonly associated with automobile accidents and collisions, the truth is that whiplash injuries are capable of being caused by other situations as well. This is because all that a whiplash injury is, is an injury that was caused when the head was allowed to move forward and back at an unnatural force and angle, causing stress and damage to the ligaments, connective tissues, bones, joints and other vital facets of the anatomy of the cervical spine.

Neck Pain, Headaches, Jaw Pain, and Double Vision – Symptoms for Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash injuries are injuries to the neck that are sustained when the neck is allowed to be forced rapidly backward and then forward again, or forward and then backward again. Whiplash injuries most commonly occur in vehicle accidents, as the vehicle is typically stopped quite abruptly, or pushed forward in a sudden manner. The first step to understanding whether or not you are dealing with a whiplash injury is going to be for you explore the symptoms of whiplash injuries, including but not limited to neck pain, headaches, jaw pain and double vision following a vehicular accident or some other trauma of a similar nature.


Here is a full list of symptoms that are associated with having sustained a whiplash injury:

– Pain in the neck area, – Stiffness in the neck area, – Pain in the shoulder area, – Dizziness or blurriness of vision, – Double vision, – Pain in the lower back area, – Pain in the arms or numbness in the arms, – Pain in the hands or numbness in the hands, – Ringing in the years, – Problems relating to concentration, – Pain in the jaw, – Pain in the face, – Feeling of vertigo, – Feeling of nausea, – Headaches unlike what you would normally experience, – Issues relating to irritability, – Problems relating to memory, – Fatigue – Difficulty sleeping

Although whiplash injuries are common, that does not make them any less serious. If you are suffering from the symptoms listed above, such as neck pain, headaches, jaw pain and double vision for example, then you should speak with your physician to find out what steps can be taken in order to not only remedy the discomfort and pain, but also get to the bottom of the symptoms to make sure that no serious harm has been caused to the delicate structures in your neck and spinal cord.

This will allow you to rule out serious damage such as a pinched or trapped nerve, and will also make sure that you can overcome your symptoms more easily. Correctly diagnosing a problem associated with a certain set of symptoms is the best way to ensure that you properly overcome the condition and recover from the symptoms.

Filed Under: Neck Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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1 thought on “Neck Pain, Headaches, Jaw Pain, and Double Vision”

  1. ALeck Crawford says:

    hi Jesse
    I did not have a whiplash injury.
    It seems that heal-n-soothe helps if I take 12 per day but now I feel cold when the house is heated to 21 degrees C.
    I still have jaw pain but rest of body has arthritis so maybe it is the same thing in my jaws.

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