Lower Back Pillow

Lower back pain is a common problem likely to affect just about everyone at one time or another. It can be caused by injury, weakening back muscles, poor posture or simply the slow decay of time. However, despite the range of causes, there are a number of ways to try to relieve it. A lower back pillow is one way that can often help eliminate pain at its source.

Poor posture is one of the main causes of low back pain. The natural and healthy position for your spine is when it maintains an “S” shape whether sitting, standing lying down or walking. However, sitting doesn’t always result in this healthy shape. Most people hunch over, especially when sitting for long periods. Pounding away at your keyboard or poring over documents for long hours can be bad for your back and result in poor posture. Here’s where a lower back pillow can help.

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The Healthy Back Institute offers a wide range of lower back pillows and cushions to suit your budget and needs perfectly.

One such cushion is the Back Pain Seat Cushion. This cushion is sat on, rather than placed behind the back. It still works similarly to a lumbar support cushion though. Its tapered shape provides extra cushioning for the back, relieving pressure on sensitive back areas, while the thinner front portion allows your legs to bend naturally and promote good posture. It’s also extremely portable. It easily goes from home to car to office to provide you with back pain relief wherever you go. The Healthy Back Institute offers this product for the sale price of $39. This price also includes two e-books that will teach you other holistic techniques to rid yourself of back pain.

Professionals at The Healthy Back Institute pride themselves on ridding their clients of back pain so they can get back to their lives. They understand the causes of lower back pain, which allows them to create cushions that target the area to provide maximum relief. They don’t want to see you suffer any longer. So, visit losethebackpain.com today to browse their selection of lower back pillows and start down the road to relief from lower back pain.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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