Lower Back Ache

Did you know that back pain is the second most common cause of absenteeism at work in the US?

Many people suffer long terms effects from a lower back injury—whether from a strain or sprain. Once you injure your lower back, intermittent aches well after you heal can be expected, because of the sensitive nerves that are located along the spine.

Lower back aches can be caused by slipped cervical disks, sciatica, pulled muscles, and even joint dysfunction from a different condition, such as arthritis. This type of pain is known for ‘traveling’. Frequently, lower back pain sufferers are subject to shooting pains down the legs, in the hips and even down to the knees. For some people, it is very difficult to stand, walk, or even sit when this occurs.

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Trauma to the lower back can leave a lasting impact that rears its ugly head every winter in the form of increased aches and pain. In addition many foods and bodily positions aggravate it. December is especially tough on back pain sufferers because many people are cramped at work doing longer hours to afford presents; cramped in cars and on planes, trains and buses for long hours, trying to get to family in different states; and eating high salt, high sugar foods as well as dehydrating drinks such as alcohol and coffee that aggravate chronic back aches.

The culprit is muscle imbalance. Every lower back injury was caused by and resulted in muscle imbalance in some way, on some level. The loss of strength in the lower back could have been the result of years of bad posture, whether sitting crouched over a desk at work, time spent in a motor vehicle for long hours on a consistent basis, or even using the wrong type of task chairs.

The result of this muscle imbalance is that when the injury occurred, such as during the lifting of a very heavy object, the large muscles supporting your lower back could not evenly carry the strain, resulting in a painful tear in either the muscle or the ligament.

Unfortunately, the large muscle groups in the back (called the paraspinal muscles) along with the spine itself, support practically every movement of your body, including carrying the weight of your whole upper body. That is why lower back aches frequently reoccurs or becomes worse after any strenuous activity.

Stress on the lower back can also result from inactivity, such as sitting for too long, because most of our time is spent crouched over. This leads to a lack of blood circulation between our spinal joints and compression of the discs in our lower backs…which leads to lower back aches.

At LosetheBackPain, we have been helping people self diagnose and treat lower back pain through homeopathic solutions for many years. Our company was founded by a rehabilitation expert (Jesse Cannone) and a massage therapist (Steve Hefferon) —both of whom spent many years helping people recover from back surgery and chronic back pain, including aches in the lower back. For ideas about how to treat lower back pain using non-invasive, homeopathic methods, consider back orthotics, inversion therapy, or heat therapy, among others. Visit LosethebackPain today for a solution to your lower back ache today.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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