Acute Lower Back Pain

Despite how it sounds, there is nothing “cute” about acute lower back pain. In fact, it can be downright horrible. Acute, in this case, is just another word for short term; meaning, back pain that lasts only a few days or a couple of weeks. Millions of people suffer from acute low back pain and it does not discriminate by race, age or gender.

Causes of Acute Lower Back Pain

The cause of acute lower back pain does vary. If the pain is minor and does not require immediate medical attention, you can rest for a day or so. Once the pain goes away you can begin to identify the cause or causes of your pain. If the pain occurs shortly after a strenuous activity, like moving, it is possible that you are just feeling muscle soreness.

There are a few myths about acute back pain causes that you should be aware of. Back pain often occurs when people lift improperly, or twist their body in an unusual motion. Yet, the lifting or movement is not usually the cause of the pain. Almost always there is an underlying cause of the pain and the movement just triggered the pain.

Another myth about back pain is that you should stay in bed. Well, that is partially true… but often misunderstood. If standing or walking is too painful then yes you need to get off of your feet. But, lying in bed is not going to address the real cause of your pain. So as soon as you feel ok enough to get out of bed, you should, as prolonged inactivity may actually make your condition worse.

Common Ways to Treat Acute Lower Back Pain

One of the first things you can do is to apply ice to the lower back area. It may be uncomfortable but it will help numb the inflamed area and can also actually decrease the inflammation inside the body. Do not keep ice on your body for longer than 15-20 minutes and make sure your skin  is not directly touching the ice.

You can also apply heat to the area that is in pain. Lying on a heating pad can provide temporary relief for acute low back pain. Any type of heating pad will do for now, but you may want to consider a far-infrared heating pad as this type of heat uses jade stones and enables the heat to penetrate through the body.

Stretching may sound like the LAST thing you want to do right now… but it may be exactly what you need. Sometimes, even simple stretches like pulling your knees to your chest can eliminate acute lower back pain. You can even do it while you are in bed. If you would like to learn more about this stretch, check out the video section of our website.

To learn more about ways to treat lower back pain, visit the lower back pain section of our website. Lower Back Pain Causes and Treatments

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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2 thoughts on “Acute Lower Back Pain”

  1. denise little says:

    I have had acute back pain for over two weeks.
    doctor has given me two different pain killers, neither of them have helped. I’ve tried stretching and hot baths
    Cold compress. nothing is helping ..infa
    ct pain is excruciating all the time.

    I would be grateful for any help as I’m getting desperate.

  2. Admin says:

    Hi Denise,

    We would like to help and you may find it useful to get a copy of our back pain book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure. It has a lot of information regarding the back, treatment options and pain relief plus other useful aspects of back issues for you to read and consider. We do hope you find it helpful.

    Thank you
    (The Healthy Back Institute)

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