Inversion Gravity Machine

An inversion gravity machine is something that offers relief from pressure on a patient’s spine, by “hanging” them upside down. They are supported by their ankles and drawn downward by gravity and body weight. The nature of the hanging aspect of the therapy means the spine becomes less compressed, easing pressure on discs, and allowing greater blood flow between them. This machine can thus relieve back pain by relieving pressure on compressed nerve roots and bundles, allowing temporary pain relief and optimum spinal alignment. It can help patients whose discs have compressed due to sports or other injuries, and those who have bulging or herniated discs (but only under the strict supervision of a physician and a physical therapist).

The typical inversion gravity machine consists of a frame, a winch, and a set of straps that secure the patient’s feet to the apparatus. The person is then winched into position in a gradual manner. Horizontal cross bars are often incorporated into the design, which allows additional exercise while the patient is hanging from the foot straps. Often, patients are in too much pain to want to add exercise to their inversion therapy, but athletes can find the additional challenge of gravity a desired component to a strenuous workout.

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There are inversion gravity machines driven by electric motors, and some include a table for support while the inversion process is being carried out. There are controllers that gradually lower the patient’s head to below their feet, lower and lower until the spine starts to lengthen and relief from pain is realized.

While it is a homeopathic method that has inherent risks, many people swear by it, and thus it is still something you may want to consider if you suffer from chronic, long-term back pain. As with any other therapy, be sure to seek the counsel of a physician and perhaps a physical therapist, to see if inversion therapy is the right way to go for you. If your suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition, are pregnant or have glaucoma or other eye diseases, or are a migraine sufferer, inversion therapy could possibly do more harm than good.

Do research on this and other holistic approaches to pain relief, and see if the addition of inversion therapy to your physical therapy regimen might be a good idea. Check and see what other exercises are advised for a person in your condition, including swimming and walking for low impact exercise, and a series of stretches you might be able to do at home on a floor mat to help your spine strengthen and align naturally. Developing your core is a good idea because strengthening your abdomen puts less pressure on your spinal column and lower back, but you should seek the services of a trainer who knows how to deal with back injury patients.

You can check out inversion gravity machines at sites like if your doctor says it’s okay, and see if they help you manage your back pain without further need for medication or other, more invasive treatments.

For more information, visit HealthyBack

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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