Hulk Hogan Sidelined by Back Pain

Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan was sidelined by back pain again this week. According to a video he posted on TwitVid yesterday, severe back muscle spasms from his hip to his middle back totally overwhelmed the Hulkster about 3AM Monday morning, sending him to local Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Florida.

Hulk Hogan, who has endured several back surgeries over the years, has been repeatedly hit with renewed back pain. Unfortunately, this is so common that back surgery is the only type of surgery with it’s own clinical name for failure: failed back surgery syndrome.

It appears Hulk Hogan’s back pain this time is not directly related to his most recent surgery. Or at least that’s what his doctors must have told him. Either way, as anyone who has dealt with severe back muscle spasms can tell you, back muscle spasm pain can flat out take you out of the game.

While we don’t have the inside scoop on the Hulkster’s back pain any more than the general public, we do know a thing or two about helping even those with the worst back pain find relief. First off, an ice massage should be your first thought when faced with a back spasm. It doesn’t matter whether this is the first time you’ve felt the pain or it’s an old injury flaring up. Put ice on right away for 20 minutes, then off for 20 minutes. Repeat this the first 48-72 hours.

If the pain really has you pinned to the mat, I recommend a contrast bath. This is simply 20 minutes of ice, alternated with 20 minutes of heat. That contrast will basically shocks the body to get your muscle to loosen its death grip on you and relax a bit which will lessen the pain. If you’re fortunate enough to have a hot tub like the Hulkster likely has, or one of our deep penetrating healing heating pads, I’d definitely go with one of those. Even a nice hot bath can work wonders though.

Besides ice and heat for back pain, muscle spasms will often respond well to a topical pain cream like our Rub On Relief. There’s a lot of options out there over-the-counter, but we specially selected ingredients for our formula that actually work more effectively the longer you use it. So, if you used our Rub On Relief on a frequently sore area for just 30 days, instead of losing effectiveness you’ll actually feel better than the first time you tried it.

One more area that many folks overlook when treating back pain is inflammation. When your back muscles go into spasm, your body is going to immediately respond by sending inflammation to the area. This is part of the healing process, but as we get older our bodies simply don’t know when to cut off the inflammatory response, leading to prolonged bouts of pain.

One of the most effective ways of safely dealing with that problem is supplementing with systemic enzymes. These are the same enzymes that tell our bodies to stop the inflammation when we’re younger, but our bodies’ production of these enzymes drops off almost completely before we even hit our 30s. Adding these into your daily routine not only can help painful back muscle spasms, but also help break down internal muscle scar tissue and help build up our immune systems.

Certainly there are other long term approaches to minimizing back pain. If you’re struggling with back pain like our friend the Hulkster has been, I highly recommend you get a free copy of my book, The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. It goes into a whole lot more detail with many more options for treating all kinds of back pain than I can go into in a short blog post. Besides, like I said, it’s free for the asking.

Finally, to our friend the Hulkster, we wish you a fast recovery. And next time we hear from you we hope to see you pinning your opponent to the mat rather than back pain pinning you to a hospital bed!

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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1 thought on “Hulk Hogan Sidelined by Back Pain”

  1. steve davis says:

    when i had one of my many spasms its the muscle that runs along the length of my spine its so bad that i am pinned i tried the hot /cold bath thing but found it just made me worse so much so i had to get the ambulance round to get me out of my bath when this happens i also have one hip a lot higher than the other due the curving of the spine i once spent6 weeks lying down my whole school summer hols through dr’s recommendations the only thing that eventually works is anti inflammitory’s which i hate i do try to work the problem by trying to get my back to move again but i have to be honest the pain is a 10 no joke the only chance i have is to notice the symptoms and act, hamstrings which are always cramping are a sign im going to have trouble headaches too regular exercise has mostly kept the problem at bay but not cured it…

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