How to Stop Sugar Cravings: Top 10 Ways

how to stop sugar cravingsWhile the American Heart Association recommends Americans consume no more than 9.5 teaspoons of sugar a day, the average adult eats 22.

The average child? 32.[i]

We probably don’t have to tell you that all of this sugar is not only adding to our waistlines, it’s also been linked to numerous chronic diseases ranging from cancer and heart disease to high blood pressure and liver damage. Yet, despite this knowledge many of us are ruled by sugar, consuming it morning, noon and night because the cravings are just that strong.

So here’s a challenge …

Avoid sugar as much as possible for just two weeks, and see the difference it makes in your energy levels, your body, and even your skin and eyes. We suspect there’s a very strong chance you won’t want to go back to your old sugary self. If you’re thinking there’s no way you’ll be able to resist those cookies, sodas, gummy bears or whatever sugary vice will be calling your name, and you’re wondering how to stop sugar cravings, here’s help.

The following is a cheat sheet with the top 10 ways to stop eating sugar now.

Stop Sugar Cravings: 10 Top Tips

10. Quit Cold Turkey

If you’re feeling ambitious, try cutting out all sugar cold turkey. The first two to three days will be the hardest, but if you get through it, for some this is all that it takes for cravings to drastically diminish. (See tip #1 for a “secret weapon” to make going cold turkey a LOT easier … )

9. Keep a Pack of Gum Handy

If a craving strikes, chew a stick of gum. Research shows it can cut down on your feelings of hunger and specifically your cravings for something sweet.[ii] If you don’t like chewing gum, try brushing your teeth instead.

8. Eat Regular Meals

If you skip breakfast or wait too long between lunch and dinner, your out-of-control appetite will make it harder for you to resist sugary temptations. Regular meals that contain a protein or a healthy fat, along with some healthy carbs, will keep you feeling satisfied and less vulnerable to cravings. For snack options, think celery with natural peanut butter, an apple with a handful of almonds, hummus and carrots, or homemade guacamole with pita chips.

how to stop sugar cravings7. Reward Your Successes

As soon as you get through even one day without sugar, treat yourself to a (non-sugary) reward. A long bubble bath, a manicure, a trip to the batting cages, you decide what reward will best motivate you to keep going strong.

6. Overcome Emotional Eating

If you’re binging on ice cream and candy because you’re stressed, lonely, angry or depressed, turn to other outlets to tame your emotions. Make a conscious effort to keep sugary snacks out of the house and replace them with a healthier solution, such as making a phone call to a trusted friend, journaling, listening to music or seeking professional counseling.

5. Eat Chromium-Rich Foods

Chromium can help keep your blood sugar in balance and research suggests it may also help to lover sugar cravings. You can take chromium in supplement form or focus on adding more chromium-rich foods, like broccoli, grass-fed beef, eggs, onions and tomatoes, to your diet. It’s often difficult to get enough chromium from diet alone, however, as food processing methods often cause this mineral to become depleted in common food sources.

how to stop sugar cravings4. Use Spices

Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves can add warmth and intense flavor to foods such as oatmeal, yogurt and even coffee, so you won’t even miss the sugar.

3. Exercise

When a sugar craving hits, go for a quick jog around the block, do a series of jumping jacks, squats and push-ups in your office or try this 4-minute workout. Getting your body moving will release natural feel-good chemicals in your brain while boosting your energy levels naturally — and without sugar.

2. Skip the Artificial Sweeteners

Resist the urge to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, as research shows they may fool your taste buds but not your body. When you consume sweet foods without the normal calories that come with them (as is the case with artificially sweetened foods), your body may actually crave even more sweets, which is one reason why artificial sweeteners are actually linked to weight gain.

1. Spritz ThinMist Under Your Tongue

how to stop sugar cravingsThinMist is scientifically formulated to reduce cravings and tame your inner Carb Monster by helping regulate your blood sugar and serotonin (‘happy hormones’).

What is ThinMist?

It’s an all-natural blend of DHEA, essential amino acids and 500 mcg of chromium to curb your sugar cravings while boosting your body’s natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), which speeds metabolism and weight loss.

You simply take ThinMistâ„¢ three times each day by spraying it under your tongue, and as the ingredients slowly build up in your system they work at a cellular level to help regulate your blood sugar levels and stop your cravings immediately.

You’ll be amazed at how the sugar that once was your downfall will quickly lose its power when ThinMist takes effect. Try it now, risk-free for 90 days


Filed Under: Nutrition
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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