How to Get Pain Relief When Nothing Else Works

Get Pain Relief When Nothing Else Works
Have you suffered with chronic lower back pain, sciatica, or some other form of pain for months… or even years?

Maybe it seems like you’ve already tried everything and are just about ready to give up on ever finding permanent pain relief.

Well I have good news for you: you’re not beyond help. Over the past decade we’ve helped tens of thousands of people, many in agonizing daily pain, find pain relief. People who thought there was no hope left. And today, thousands upon thousands of them remain pain free.

On the other hand, there are many others who came to us who did not find lasting relief. They continue to struggle with the same old pain year after year. Often it grows even worse.

Amazingly, in almost every case, the difference between those who found pain relief and those who did not boiled down to a willingness to follow a few simple “ground rules” for dealing with their pain. Follow these three simple rules and you will greatly improve your odds of joining those who found relief.

Rule #1: Take responsibility for ending your pain

Relief from pain is first and foremost a personal responsibility. After all, no one cares about your pain more than you do. Maybe you’re seeing a doctor, chiropractor, or any number of natural health practitioners. That’s great, but ask yourself these questions:

  • Has my health care provider conducted a completed head-to-toe assessment on me or only focused on the area of pain? (Pain is often referred from other areas of the body.)
  • If a diagnosis has been made, has it been completely explained to my understanding?
  • Has my health care provider identified the root cause of my pain? (Not a condition, like a herniated disc, but what actually caused the condition, like a specific muscle imbalance.)
  • Have I been given a step-by-step care plan that addresses both the pain symptoms and the underlying root cause of the identified condition?

If you haven’t received a satisfactory answer to all of these questions, ask! Don’t accept a brush off. It’s your body and you need to get the right responses to properly address your pain.

Rule #2: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

I can’t tell you how many times someone has purchased one of our products, tried it, and when their pain wasn’t 100% gone in the first day or week they decided to return the product for a refund. Look, we don’t want anyone paying for a product that doesn’t help them. And we gladly process refunds all the time. But let’s be honest here. Chances are the condition causing your pain didn’t happen overnight. Oftentimes it took years to get to the point where your back “suddenly” gave out or sciatica became noticeable.

We have a lot of testimonials on our website from people who have experienced amazing results in just days. But when you’re talking about correcting conditions that took months or years to get as bad as they are, you have to realize some people may take a little longer to work through the healing process.

So what am I saying? I’m saying that if you want to get back to a pain-free life, you might have to invest a little effort. And it
might be that one treatment only gets you part of the way there. So you have to be willing to try different approaches. For example, you
may only find some pain relief by using muscle balance therapy
to address muscle imbalances, but need to also work out trigger points to finally get the full pain relief you’re looking for.

Most importantly, don’t give up. Too many people never get pain relief simply because they give up on a treatment approach too soon. Give your body time to heal and don’t quit until you get the relief you’re looking for.

Rule #3: Stop doing what doesn’t work

Ok, now you’ve made the commitment to follow through to make progress in your fight against pain. You’re not going to quit on yourself. But here’s the other side of the coin: don’t blindly keep doing what doesn’t work.

Let’s say you’re going to a chiropractor. If you’ve been going for over three months and haven’t made any progress yet, it’s likely time to seek another approach. That’s my rule of thumb… if you’re not getting some measure of increased pain relief in three months, try something else.

If you have made progress but are still in pain, try combining multiple approaches. You might find inversion therapy gives you significant pain relief from a herniated disc, but trigger point therapy is needed to completely end referred pain while muscle balance therapy addresses what caused your disc to herniated in the first place. It’s all a process of finding what works for your body.

I hope this makes sense to you. We want to help as many people as we can live a pain free life, but ultimately, it’s up to you to make the necessary changes to improve your health.

Filed Under: Pain Relief, Video
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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3 thoughts on “How to Get Pain Relief When Nothing Else Works”

  1. bill prats says:

    Lumbar girdle, effective for back pain?

    Those who are suffering from backache because of his work could benefit from lumbar girdles. At least this is the conclusion of a Netherlands study conducted among home-care workers.
    Many people with back pain turn to body cinchers and back girdles, however so far there was little evidence for it. Do these gadgets are actually more effective or an invention without the support of science?
    To address the problem, a team of researchers in the Netherlands tested different models of girdles in a group of employees of a company that provided home cleaning and sanitation services. The 360 volunteers (who were already suffering from back pain previously) received advice on healthy work habits that could prevent low back injuries, such as how to lift heavy things. Moreover, half the participants were given a lumbar girdle, which should be worn the days when they thought they could have back pain.
    The findings of this study would appear in ‘Annals of Internal Medicine. “The lumbar support can be valuable tool in new strategies for preventing back pain in the workplace,” the researchers advise.
    Their study showed that volunteers who took the girdle had an average of five days less of back pain every month. Thus, during the 12 month follow-up volunteers who wore lumbar girdles suffered pain during an average of 72 days, while those who only received advice, experimented backache during 124 days, “which is a clinically relevant reduction of 45%,” the authors clarify. Overall, 74% of the volunteers were satisfied with the girdles, whose costs ranged from 50 to 75 Euros.

  2. //Ann says:

    I’ve been fighting myofascial pain in my lower back (mostly left) that just won’t quit – for years – maybe 20 years, maybe more. Have tried – well, you name it, even new sneakers! Had a chiro say my problem was due to worn-out sneakers!

    Am going through another high-intensity round of $$thousands of you-name-its at an “integrative medicine” pain clinic over the last 3 months or so and, again, zero results. It’s like nobody knows what to do with this problem. I also have herniated & dessicated discs, in other words degenerative disc disease, and everyone wants to jump on that, but I feel like that’s missing the boat – the pain is CLEARLY in the muscles – when I’m on my feet for more than a few seconds – YOWCH. I haven’t seen myofascial pain mentioned anywhere on your website, and only in passing, in a list in your book.

    I’ve just started with the Lose the Back Pain system, still on the CDs, haven’t gotten to the DVDs or assessment yet, much less the corrective exercises, holding out hope that getting to root imbalances will provide some relief. Started Heal N Soothe about a week ago, 2 caps 2X/day, upping it to 3 caps 2X/day this week starting NOW, and holding out LOTS of hope for that (especially after reading Dr Oz blame everything short of global warming on inflammation). Can NOT tolerate narcotics – they make me stoned, stupid, non-functional – and they DON’T relieve the pain!! What a gyp!

    I’ve been contemplating the Nubak Trio since you sent out the promo email a few weeks ago, looks much more comfy & soothing than a table. (What I REALLY want is an inversion CHAIR – ran across that a number of years ago, looks SOOO soothing to start out with spine already stretched by sitting position.) I got the BackJoy – 2 of them, in fact. I’m not so impresssed with mine, just does not “do” anything for my abysmal (hopeless?) posture (butt too big?), but hubby seems to like his. I got the tall vibrating back support and that I DO like VERY much – have been using a lumbar support on my “politically incorrect” office chair (that I love, thank you very much) for years, and am amazed how good the MID-back support of the tall cushion feels – way better than lumbar support – surprise! (My crappy posture!)

    So yes, it IS a multi-pronged approach that’s needed – as my “integrative medicine” clinic’s name suggests. I’ll take all the “prongs” I can get! What’s the old saying? “Take what you need and leave the rest.” And the OTHER old saying: “Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater!” And as an old techie troubleshooter from way back, I know I shouldn’t be trying too many things, making too many changes, all at once – else I won’t know what DOES work and what DOESN’T.

    Whoops, sorry for blathering on, guess I felt like I had a sympathetic ear.

    PLEASE ADDRESS MYOFASCIAL PAIN!! It’s a very difficult problem!! Seems to have everyone stumped!! NOTHING I or anyone else has done has made one iota of difference!! I even lost 40 lbs and it didn’t help a bit!! I feel (in my dreams) like I want a surgeon to go in there (and I’m anti-surgery) with nice, shiny, sharp, surgical scissors and just snip the myofascia open, to release its relentless iron grip on the muscle!!

    And no one understands! It’s invisible! People look at me like I’m a whining crybaby idiot when I try to explain!

    Yet it’s got me so disabled I can’t even do things around my own house. And forget going out – forget shopping, going for a walk, going to a park, dancing, travel, museums, etc. When I contemplate going ANYWHERE, I’m always first and foremost calculating the walking – and whether I should be using my wheelchair for the occasion.

    I guess I’m frustrated, sorry, that WAS pretty whiny, bleh. Okay, I’ll go listen to CD-3 now like a good Do-Bee. But PLEASE do think about MYOFASCIAL PAIN!! I’ll make you my best friend forever if you do. 🙂

  3. Admin says:

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