How a Famous Bullfighter Finally Defeated Joint Pain

Defeated Joint PainSince we started this business over 12 years ago, we’ve been passionately determined in our mission…

To put a real end to your pain with the safest and most powerful non-drug, non-surgery approaches available.

We’ve grown into one of the most trusted, successful and respected health organizations because we’ve stuck to that mission — and because we keep integrity front and center in all we do.

That’s why we receive so much “gratitude” feedback from customers… and why we love and appreciate every bit of feedback we get (this also includes the feedback suggesting how we can do things even better, by the way!)…

Because when you pour your mind, heart and soul into something, it feels great to hear what a positive impact you are making!

With that said, we just had to share with you what Alejandro Silveti — one of the famous bullfighters in the “Silveti Family Dynasty” spanning back several generations — had to say recently about The Healthy Back Institute® (and about two of our “signature” products in particular, Heal-n-Soothe® and Super Joint Support®):

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If you suffer any kind of pain, the Heal-n-Soothe® Alejandro noted is a “must” because it provides you nature’s 12 most powerful ingredients to stop pain… including “proteolytic enzymes” which are key to fighting the chronic inflammation that causes pain (you can learn more about Heal-n-Soothe® here.)

Meanwhile, if you suffer joint pain, see why the Super Joint Support® that helped Alejandro so much is so effective at both ending the pain and restoring your joint mobility!

“Living without pain is a different life,” Alejandro so elegantly says at the start of the video.

It is indeed a much better life… a life you deserve too, and one that I just want to remind you again we’re as committed as ever to helping you experience.


Filed Under: Arthritis
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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2 thoughts on “How a Famous Bullfighter Finally Defeated Joint Pain”

  1. Sabrina charania says:

    Hi.i been reading about your formula and I am very impressed with all the testimonials it’s so encouraging to know someone out there can help you with pain in your joints I know first hand what it’s like I look after my.son with autism and suffer already from severe lower back n hip pain please helping am willing to try your product as soon as possible so I to. Can become. A testimony thank you sabrina

  2. Sabrina,

    You can call our help desk at 1-800-216-4908 and as for a free trial of our Heal n Soothe, truth is anyone can ask for the free trial, all we ask is a small shipping fee to cover some of the expense of shipping it to you.


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