Hernia Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by many things. One common cause of back pain is related to the development of a hernia. Hernia back pain can range from mild to overpowering. A diagnosis of hernia back pain is not the easiest one to arrive at.

A hernia is a protrusion from the abdominal walls through a defect in the wall itself. This protrusion is seen as bulge that is evident beneath the skin, or that can be felt with the finger. It is normally part of the intestines, other internal organs, tissue or fat that pushes through a weakened or broken portion of the abdominal wall. The type of hernia is based on the location of the bulge.

Back Pain and Hernias
Some cases of hernia result in back pain. This may seem illogical based on where the two main types of hernia occur, the groin and the diaphragm. The main types of hernias are hiatal and inguinal. It is the hiatal type that results in back pain. When the hernia causes a swelling of the esophagus, it may press against the spine, leading to severe discomfort. The swelling is sometimes caused by excess acids in the stomach.

Treatment for Hernia Back Pain
Back pain resulting from a hiatal hernia is treated in a number of ways. Interestingly, in many cases the hiatal hernia itself needs no intervention, but the back pain might. Since in many cases it is a build-up of acids in the stomach that indirectly causes the back pain, controlling acid is important. Often doctors prescribe Nexium or Prilosec for controlling the amount of acid the stomach produces.

Some lifestyle changes are generally necessary. One major change will be in your diet. The type of food eaten, the quantity and meal frequency are all linked to an improvement in the condition. Not eating acid-producing foods helps to control the buildup of acids in the stomach. If there is less acid, there is less chance of the esophagus swelling and pressing against the spine. Apart from removing certain items from your menu, it may become necessary to eat smaller portions at one sitting. Reducing the intake of alcohol and stopping smoking can also help.

Obesity also plays a role in hernias and back pain. Losing weight is believed to help minimize or even eliminate some hernia back pain. A large hiatal hernia may require surgery to repair the hernia itself. Surgery is recommended if there is a risk of it becoming strangulated, that is, cutting off blood supply.

Other treatment options for hiatal hernias include:

  • -Wear loose clothing so that the stomach is not restricted and placed under undue pressure.
  • -Avoid eating too much carbohydrates, fats and spicy foods.
  • -Do not bend over after eating, especially if you have had a lot to eat.

Thankfully, hernia back pain, while uncomfortable, is not in itself dangerous once the underlying cause is treated. Following treatment instructions is necessary for providing relief from associated back pain.

Filed Under: Herniated Disc
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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6 thoughts on “Hernia Back Pain”

  1. Czar says:

    I had lower back pain, which I thought was caused by deterioration of the spine. However, upon an operation taking care of my inguinal hernia, no more lower back pain!

    1. Thomas Barnhill says:


      Where was the pain from your inguinal hernia…I have been diagnosed with an inguinal hernia via a C-scan…but the pain (dull ache) is mid right side. At times I can put my finger on the spot. I also have lower back pain but have been told this was from a compressed disc.


      Thank You


    2. Eliott says:

      Exactly the same with me. Upon operation on my double inguinal hernia, no more lower back pain

  2. Lynn Noreen McNamara says:

    I have lumps in my back both sides of my spine I can feel them all quite large really. Dreadful pain especially if I stretch backwards without thinking, can take a week to ease off. Had injections only eased off a couple of weeks. Given Neurontin for sensations down my leg so bad it put me on my knees. Cannot have op due to osteoporosis, really do not know what the true problem is? Any ideas?

  3. Janice says:

    I have sever back pain and hip pain. The back Docter says i have 3 herion disk in my back and he thanks the
    pain is comming from my Hip. I really do not I really do not know what the true problem is? any Ideas ?

    Please Reply

    1. Admin says:

      Hi Janice,
      Thank you for your comment and question. We would suggest you read our free book the “7 Day Back Pain Cure”. The book discusses back pain issues, related pains and various treatment options you can consider, along with pain relief suggestions, action plans and other helpful information for when dealing with pain.

      Do please read more information about the 7 Day Back Pain Cure book via the link below


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      Admin (The Healthy Back Institute)

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