A Message to Pain Sufferers During COVID-19: We’re Here to Help

Due to COVID-19, you may experience delayed delivery. 

At the Healthy Back Institute, our mission is to help you stay healthy and pain-free.

Right now is the most important time of your life to stay healthy.

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, we know you’re concerned about how to do that.

Some doctors’ offices are closing. Supply chains are experiencing hiccups. You’re wondering what to do.

We’re here to help.

Since 2003, we’ve built this company to offer invaluable health info to our community. All of the articles on our website are 100% free.

Every week, we’ll provide you with posts about how to stay healthy and pain-free at home on a budget.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our newsletter for new content daily. Sign up for our newsletter in the form at the end of this post.

You’ll find content that shows you how to stay centered and relaxed during a time of crisis.

We’ll share inspiring stories from other communities around the world.

You can also search our site’s database for thousands of free articles.

And remember — you’re not alone. If you’re in isolation right now, let us know what’s on your mind. Reach out to us on Facebook or send us an email (we read every one).

If you’re a customer, we are working to ensure your shipments arrive ASAP.

We’ve been through crises before, and we’ll make it through this one.

When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, our community had similar concerns.

How will I take care of myself and my family? 

How will I afford to stay healthy? 

We helped you answer those questions then. We weathered that storm together and came out stronger and healthier than before.

And we’ll do it again — together as a community.

To your health and happiness,

The Healthy Back Institute Team

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HBI's editorial team maintains losethebackpain.com. The team consists of professional editors and writers from around the globe.

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1 thought on “A Message to Pain Sufferers During COVID-19: We’re Here to Help”

  1. Star Iwalani Young says:

    Thank you for your supportWr look forward to learning about the ways to make ourselves better and we are hopeful that your products successfully aid in our recovery! Star and Sur

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