Extreme Neck and Shoulder Pain

Extreme neck and shoulder pain can most likely be the result of stress related muscle tension, a herniated disc or a pinched nerve. So how can you relieve extreme neck and shoulder pain?

Your first instinct may be to take a few over the counter pain medications, but try not to get into the habit of doing this, especially if your pain has been going on for awhile. Taking over the counter pain medications regularly for an extended period has been known to cause things like ulcers and liver damage, so keep that in mind. Trying to relieve one ailment shouldn’t cause another one.

One excellent way to help alleviate extreme neck and shoulder pain is getting a massage. The motions and pressure put directly on the area will help to relieve tension, which will help melt your pain away as well as provide long lasting relief and relaxation.

Heat therapy can also help when dealing with extreme neck and shoulder pain. In fact, infrared heating pads are the latest and greatest thing when it comes to pain relief. The technology allows heat to go deep into the affected area and soothe pain away, which provides much more resilient pain relief than a traditional heating pad can give. The Healthy Back Institute offers several infrared heating pads on their website at losethebackpain.com.

Stretching can be another highly effective way to relieve shoulder and neck pain. Here are a few stretches you can try:

  • Roll your shoulders forward for ten full revolutions. Stop and rest for a few seconds, then roll them in the opposite direction for another 10 revolutions.
  • Bring your chin down towards your chest. Slowly roll your head clockwise a few times then change directions.
  • Tilt your head towards your left shoulder. Use your left hand to push your head down as close to your shoulder as you can get it without feeling pain. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then repeat it on the opposite side.
  • Bring your right arm across the front of your body, holding it with your left hand as close to your chest as you can. Hold it out straight, and maintain that position for several seconds. You should feel this stretch in your upper bicep and shoulder. Repeat this motion with your left arm.

These stretches can be maximized under a hot shower. The heat will help relax your muscles as you perform the exercises. It’s important to note that when you perform any stretches, particularly ones that you are doing to help alleviate pain, you should not over extend. Causing additional injury is counterproductive to helping your neck and shoulders heal.

One alternative medicine technique may help, and is actually becoming fairly reputable. Recent studies have shown that acupuncture is a proven method for relieving neck and shoulder pain. If you go to a well known acupuncturist, you can have the procedure done with very little risk to you and maximum benefit.

Extreme neck and shoulder pain can be very difficult to deal with. The Healthy Back Institute understands this and provides many different resources – from information, to tips and tricks for relieving your pain, to products that may help. Visit losethebackpain.com to take advantage of these resources and be free of your extreme neck and shoulder pain today.

Filed Under: Neck Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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