Exercises to Strengthen the Lower Back

Exercising is one of the best things you can do to strengthen the lower back. Though most people will experience back pain at some point or another in their lives it is common for those with weaker backs to experience back pain earlier on and with more noticeable symptoms and effects. Your best bet would be to work adamantly to strengthen the back now which will save you from nagging pain and discomfort later. Preventative care with back pain is the way to go. Start working to strengthen those lower back muscles now before and pain develops. If you have already begun to notice pain, fret not, there are key strength building exercises that can be done to lessen current lower back discomfort while preventing future pain.

Great news for most is that generally the more active you are the better your lower back pain can get. Grant it, active certainly does not mean strenuous activity that may, in fact, have the opposite affect forcing the back pain to grow worse. Be sure to avoid all activities that you notice may cause strain on your lower back area. Activities that require heavy lifting, odd positioning of the body and awkward movement may be the types of activities that you may want to look to avoid.

Stretching is fundamental for lessening back pain and causing instant relief. If your back pain isn’t too bad and you are able to move and bend your body, nice gentle stretches tend to work wonders. Not only does a nice deep stretch lessen the tension in your lower back muscles, it also assists in lessening the stress in your lower vertebrae by lengthening the spine. In addition to relief, stretching also aids in the prevention or re-injury, reduces the likelihood of back disability and allows for a speedy recovery.

The great aspect of exercises for the lower back is that a gym is not required to exercise the lower back successfully. Many exercises can be done with little to no equipment in the comforts of your own home. Be sure to not be afraid to try suggested exercises due to fear of movement. The sooner you exercise the sooner you can realize results.

• Start with a little aerobics. Walking, running, swimming, and biking are all great aerobic exercises that allow for a flow of oxygen to reach your muscles efficiently. Oxygen rich blood is essential to a healthy back. When first beginning an exercise regimen be sure to take it easy. The last thing you want to do is over-exert yourself. Start working on strengthening 1-2 weeks after initial exercise.

• For strengthening use your own body weight. Try bird dog exercise. Get on your hands and knees. Raise one leg straight out behind you, hold for 6 seconds and switch legs. Try raising the opposite arm at the same time.

• Also try wall sits. Stand with your back 10 the wall, squat and hold. Hold this position for 6 seconds, rise and repeat.

For more information on lower back strengthening exercises be sure to visit losethebackpain.com.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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