You’re not really going to buy another excuse for your back pain are you?
If I would only finally understand that self-discipline is something one uses, not something one has, then I could use it to accomplish virtually any goal I ever set. I could use it whenever I wanted, or leave it behind whenever I wanted.
Instead, I worry. I worry about whether I’ve got what it takes. Whether it’s “in” me. Whether my parents and guardians put it there. (Some think it’s put there experientially, some think it’s put there genetically. It’s neither. It’s never put “in” there at all. Self-discipline is a tool that anyone can use. Like a hammer. Like a dictionary.)
Enlightened coaches (like mine) get more out of their clients because they know that each of their clients already has everything it takes to be successful. They don’t buy the excuses, the apologies, the sad fatalism that most non-performers skillfully try to sell to them. They just don’t buy it. And I am so glad they don’t.
Comments from Jesse:
Are you buying an excuse in relation to getting free of back pain?
Don’t buy an excuse from your “healthcare specialist” whoever that may be — conventional or alternative — that your back pain, neck pain, sciatica, or whatever other pain is something you’re just going to have to live with because their therapy doesn’t work for you.
Don’t buy the excuse after three months of a treatment and zero results that you “just have to keep at it” to get relief. If it hasn’t worked by then, it probably isn’t… it’s time to move forward.
And by all means, don’t buy an excuse from yourself that says you can’t get rid of all of the pain. You may not become completely pain free on day one. But if you are making noticeable progress in reducing your pain then keep at it. And when you hit a roadblock, try something new to help with the remaining pain.
Just don’t give up on yourself! Don’t buy an excuse!
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