Correct Poor Posture

We have all been told to “sit straight” and “stand tall”, but there is far more to this advice than just good manners. Poor posture is one of the leading causes of back pain, muscle pain, neck pain and other various types of pain. Practicing good posture is difficult, and our hectic lives are making it even harder. From our morning commute, to our late night TV shows, we are sitting in awkward positions that are absolutely horrible. Don’t feel bad, we all fight this battle. This article will uncover how to correct poor posture using simple tips.

Simple Tips for Correcting Poor Posture

Let’s face it, not everyone can afford ergonomic desk chairs. These everyday tips will help you correct your poor posture without busting the budget. Unfortunately, most office chairs are horrible for your posture. The manufacturers of these chairs did not take your back health into consideration when producing these. Most of them provide very little lumbar support, and will leave you slouching in no time.

Back Support Cushions – There are simple support cushions that can turn your posture killing chair into an ergonomic, back friendly chair. Obviously, if you are able to, you should look into a chair that is more adjustable and built to support your back. If you are on a budget, you will want to look into the Freedom Back support cushion.

Get Up, Stand Up – Most of us sit at a computer for hours at a time. We sit, sit, sit… until we feel that ache in the lower back. Here’s a simple tip that will help you “remember” to check your posture, get up and stretch. If you wear a watch, it might have a timer. If not, you can use your cell phone, a desktop computer application or a simple kitchen timer. Set the timer for 30 minutes. Every time it goes off, stop what you are doing, and stand up. Take a few seconds to stretch. If you’re not sure how to stretch to correct poor posture, check out our Office Stretch – 2 Part Video Series.

Stay Off the Couch – To put it bluntly, couches will destroy your back. Sure, a few minutes in front of the tube might not be that bad. But, if you are like most people today, you will spend hours in front of the TV every day. Your sofa may look comfortable, but hours in a couch or sofa will NOT do wonders for your back. Couches, like office chairs, were not built with your back health in mind. If you must watch TV, invest in a $20 yoga mat and lay on the floor while you watch your favorite show. While you’re at it, stretch your legs and lower back. This tip will not only help you correct poor posture, it will encourage you to fit some stretching into your day.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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