Stomach and back pain are often linked, as one type can cause the other type. At LosetheBackPain, we are familiar with the many different ways back pain can affect your stomach. We have solutions and strategies to help you. Stomach pain and back pain can be caused by the same condition, such as being obese or overweight, ha … Read More
Treating and Diagnosing Stenosis of the Spine.

Age can bring about a condition known as stenosis of the spine, where your neck or lower back become narrowed, occasionally putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Sometimes the pressure will result in pain or numbness in legs, back, neck and shoulders, depending on which nerves are affected. It can cause a loss of co … Read More
Stenosis of the Foramen
Stenosis is a term used to describe when an area becomes compressed and narrow. In the case of the foraminal, this indicates that the area where the spinal columns' nerve roots exit has narrowed. The spinal column is a very intricate part of human anatomy. It is essentially one of the main nerve centers of the body. The bone … Read More
Spondylolysis Surgery Options
Spondylolysis is described as being a defect in the pars interarticularis, part of the anatomy of a vertebra. Most cases of spondylolysis occur in the bottom vertebra, the L5 vertebra in the lumbar region. Spondylolysis is also capable of occurring in other vertebra in the lumbar region as well, and it may also occur in the … Read More
Spondylolysis Bilaterally in Adults
Spondylolysis bilaterally in adults is a condition that occurs when a crack is formed in the bony ring that is located in the back of an adult's spinal column. The most common place for this to occur is in the lumbar region or the lower back. When spondylolysis bilaterally in adults occurs, the bone responsible for protectin … Read More
Chest and Back Pain
Chest and Back pain sometimes can go hand in hand. If you are experiencing chest pain along with back pain, we advise that you first see your healthcare provider to rule out any potential serious condition or conditions. Chest pain is something that should be addressed in a timely manner. You may be confused as to what may … Read More
Chronic Back Pain Treatment
There are not many things in this world that are more painful or frustrating as chronic back pain. If you have or are experiencing back pack for more than 1-3 months, you are suffering from chronic back pain. I’m sure you think that you are doing all you can to relieve your pain, but will discuss some all natural chronic bac … Read More
What Causes a Bulging Disc in the Back?
Do you suffer from a herniated or bulging disc? Or do you know someone who is suffering with a herniated or bulging disc. If you are like me, I personally know a handful of people in my life who deal with this debilitating condition. This article is going to focus on the causes of a disc bulge. Bulging or herniated discs oc … Read More
Vertebra Fracture How to treat it naturally
Did you know that you may have a fractured Vertebra and not even know it? For most people who have a vertebra fracture, pain is a part of their everyday life. They wake up thinking about it, and they go to sleep thinking about it. However, this is not always the case when dealing with fractures. It is possible to have fract … Read More
Treatment For Kyphosis
Kyphosis is a condition in which there is an abnormal protrusion of the upper back. It is an abnormality that can occur as a result of a degenerative disease, developmental issues, endocrine diseases, birth defects, tumors of the spine, trauma and so on. There are two types of kyphosis: postural kyphosis and structural kypho … Read More