Back Pain Therapy Exercises

It may seem illogical to perform exercises while suffering from back pain. Isn’t rest the best medicine for back pain relief? Contrary to popular relief, keeping active at a comfortable level will help you overcome your back pain. Now if you are experiencing strong, acute back pain, then yes, rest for a few days until some of the pain subsides. Go to your primary healthcare provider to find out what may be causing your pain. You may have strained or sprained a muscle or you may have something a bit more complicated such as a herniated disc. Whatever the condition though, you can find relief if you educate yourself, stay motivated and try different treatment programs. The key is- don’t give up!

One of the best back pain treatments is exercise. Exercise helps back pain sufferers avoid weakness and stiffness, which can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle.  But not just any back pain therapy exercises will provide back pain relief. You see the key to finally finding lasting relief from your back pain is to understand and correct something called muscle imbalances.

If you have never heard of this concept, don’t worry. We will go into detail about this unknown treatment that has literally helped save thousands of peoples lives and stopped many of them from having back surgery.

So when did you first begin to experience symptoms of back pain? Was it when you bent down to pick up something heavy or during a routine golf swing? Maybe you just woke up with it one day out of the blue. However you came to get back pain, know this, it did not happen overnight. You may have become symptomatic very quickly, but it really did take months and sometimes even years for you to experience the pain you may be feeling now.

We have done years of research and have helped thousands of people through our Muscle Balance Therapy program. The program gives you the tools to take control of your back pain. It guides you through a step by step process where you identify your muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions and then guides you through a series of corrective stretches and exercises specific to your needs.

These stretches and exercises are safe, easy and effective and can be performed in your home. If you want to finally get rid of your back pain for good, make sure to go to our Muscle Balance Therapy page, by CLICKING HERE.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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