Back Muscles and Back Pain

Studies show that approximately four out of five patients in our culture will experience severe back pain during their life according to statistics from the NIH. On the other hand, you don’t have anything physically wrong with your back or spinal column. What is really causing your back pain? “Are my back muscles causing my back pain?” should be your next question.

In reality, back discomfort is one of the biggest sources for back pain sufferers to miss work in the United States behind the run-of-the-mill cold. However, there are means to fight and eliminate back pain and to protect against further episodes. Here are a few things to take into account that might help you to mitigate back pain and to avoid future occurrences normally.

First and foremost, you have to identify and care for your stress triggers and stress itself. Research has shown that there is a direct relationship between the pain you feel in your neck, shoulders, lower back, and/or back in general and stress. Normally, it is found to be “mental” or coming from your mind. Stress and tension create contracted muscles and if you remain tense or stressed over a long period of time it will produce back discomfort or even muscle imbalances and damage. So, be sure to identify and deal with your stress triggers and stress by utilizing meditation, yoga, or whatever relaxation and stress reduction techniques that work for you.

Essentially the most prevalent sources of muscle tightness in the back are conscious stress and subconscious repressed emotional concerns. Beyond any doubt, conscious stress can cause severe tightness plus the feeling of being jittery. Dismally, this problem will last until the source of the conscious stress is resolved and every now and then longer. Likewise, it is important to know that the mind and body work in concert in all matters of health and disease. When the mind is burdened by agonizing or troubling emotions, it usually makes the physical body share the load. Way more severe is the frequent muscle tightness and chronic back muscle pain and discomfort included with repressed subconscious feelings. Psychological back pain is rampant and might linger for many years. Muscle tightness is definitely an absolutely common symptom of almost all psychological syndromes and muscles are commonly distressing to the touch and sensitive to movement and activity.

For the next step, if you work a desk job or job where you sit a lot, especially if it’s in front of a computer. Some straightforward posture and ergonomics might always help you to reduce your back discomfort. When working at the computer for multiple hours attempt to sustain a straight back, with feet flat on the floor and take a stretch break for five minutes or so every hour and a half. Arrange your keyboard so it’s where your arms extend or reach downward to type and this will aid you to prevent back, neck, and shoulder pain as well as muscle strain.

Remember, how you sleep and your bed also matters. That is why you should be sure to get a bed that meets your particular needs. Obviously you will need a bed that’s firm but not too firm. Not to mention, a mattress that sags too much is also unhealthy for your spine due to the fact that it may conflict with normal body movement while sleeping. Besides that, if you watch TV or read a book in bed, good posture comes in handy here too. Don’t attempt to lay down while doing either of these. Sit up and use the headboard or wall to support your back. This will protect against any unbalanced muscle strain or neck and back discomfort from utilizing them in an awkward manner which might cause pain when all is said and done.

Essentially, muscles are utilized for mobility and if they don’t move on a somewhat frequent basis or are in a contracted position for an extended period of time may cause back discomfort, especially in the lower back where there is frequent pressure on the spinal discs. As a rule, that shifting your position from time to time will assist you to impede muscle imbalances which are more often than not the most ordinary reason for back pain. Also, if you maintain good posture and then this will help your muscles to remain in balance.

Believe it or not, nearly all patients produce back pain by lifting something unsuitably especially if it’s large. According to data, lifting a heavy object improperly or overexerting oneself is one of the primary sources for back muscle and back pain. A pulled back muscle is also known as a muscle strain. Fundamentally, a pulled back muscle is a result of a strain to either the muscle by itself or the tendon. A pulled back muscle can be an injury where a muscle in the back may be strained or stretched beyond its common scope of range of motion. Happily, pulled muscle and ligament injuries are not commonly severe, however they can be exceedingly tormenting.

Undeniably, the primary method to prevent a pulled back muscle is to stretch out before a round of activity. What’s more, a torn or pulled back muscle is usually a result of overusing or overloading your back, conceivably by lifting something heavy unfavorably or repetitive movement. Because of this, a pulled back muscle can cause severe acute pain and muscle spasms that are exceedingly agonizing, and should be dealt with as soon as reasonable to avoid further issues or the opportunity of this becoming a long lasting issue.

There are certain pulled back muscle symptoms which can be run-of-the-mill to all back muscle pain and discomfort conditions. Still, the horrifying agony may cause the individual to believe that there is severe injury in their back or spinal column. A pulled back muscle is not just agonizing, but might cause further serious issues if you permit the back to compensate for the pull. Bear in mind that muscle pain will not leave permanent damage, as long as it is rehabilitated properly.

However many individuals continue to do it using the incorrect means. For that reason they might end up hurting themselves so let’s review how to lift items that are hefty or heavy appropriately. Don’t forget to bend at your knees and hips and not your back when you lift an object that weighs a lot or is large. Utilize your legs rather than your back and bring the object close to your body. Many agree, your leg muscles are your most powerful muscles in your body and definitely not your back muscles so use your leg muscles for doing your heavy lifting and whenever possible, push heavy items with your leg muscles.

In the end, if whatever you are lifting is too hefty or weighs a lot then get help. This is especially important when moving, rearranging furniture or doing extreme clean-up projects around the home because of the higher risk of lifting a heavy object unfavorably or overexerting oneself and perhaps hurting yourself. If something is too big or weighs too much for you to lift then ask for help or just say no. This will aid you to prevent stressing or severely damaging back muscles and/or your spine because if it looks like it’s too large or weighs too much for you to lift, then it most likely is.

When it comes down to it, if in case you have overused your back muscles and are experiencing some pain and tightness, relax. This problem will not last long and will not result in any permanent damage. Just remember that tight back muscles are often an indicator of emotional conditions producing physical trouble. If you are experiencing more back pain that could be considered to be chronic back pain in nature and your efforts to relieve or treat the back pain have been ineffective for more than 2-3 months you should seek the suggestions of an experienced physician, physiotherapist or chiropractor. If you wish for long lasting back pain relief then the concealed concerns need to be addressed and treated correctly.

At the end of the day, as soon as you figure out where the pain and discomfort originates, a real cure is simple to execute. Therefore, if you’d like real pain relief of chronic back muscle tightness and back pain and discomfort, it is advisable to learn more about your back muscles and any muscle imbalances which are usually the actual cause why you could have back muscle pain and discomfort.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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