Myofascial Pain Treatment

Myofascial pain treatment sounds complicated, but it really is not. Once you understand what it is, you will see just how important this form of treatment can be to help alleviate your back pain. Myofascial pain is another way to describe muscle pain. It is pain and inflammation in the soft tissues of the body. It affects the fascia, which is the connective tissue that covers the muscles. While most people suffer from muscle pain from time to time, myofascial pain is persistent and can become chronic.

So what Causes Myofascial Pain and What are the Symptoms?

Myofascial pain most commonly forms due to a muscle injury or from excess strain put on a muscle or muscle groups. Other causes of myofascial pain are lack of movement and activities, repetitive movements and motions, disc injuries and general body fatigue. Symptoms of myofascial pain include muscle pain and tenderness in specific areas. People who suffer from this form of pain also can have issues with depression, fatigue and behavioral issues.

Myofascial Pain Treatments

Traditional Myofascial pain treatments include physical therapy, massage therapy, trigger point injections and medication. Oftentimes the best results come from trying various treatments.

Massage therapy specifically for myofascial pain is known as myofascial release and it can be a very effective myofascial pain treatment. Myofascial release is a safe and effective technique that involves gently applying sustained pressure to the myofascial connective tissue in order to eliminate pain. The theory behind myofascial release is that gentle pressure once applied slowly to the tissue will allow the fascia tissue to elongate. Various events such as trauma, surgery and inflammation can create restrictions in the myofascial tissue which produces an immense amount of pressure on pain sensitive areas. This pressure does not show up on modern tests such as X-rays, MRI’s, CAT scans and so forth.

Trigger point therapy is also an effective myofascial pain treatment. Since myofascial pain and trigger points go hand and hand, it only makes sense to treat trigger points. Trigger point therapy can involve a therapist who specializes in trigger points, or it can involve the use of a home trigger point therapy kit.

Research has shown that the most effective way of getting rid of myofascial pain, besides myofascial release, is trigger point therapy. A trigger point therapy kit will allow you to address your trigger points in the comforts of your own home. Besides, seeing a therapist who specializes in trigger points may get expensive over time.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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