Success Stories – Part 7

“More Back Pain Success Stories….”

“Hi Steve, I just wanted to tell you guys at the HealthyBack Institute
what a geat product you have in this Heal-n-Soothe™ Plus. I have been taking it for about 4 months now and all I can say is, WOW, what a
difference! I wish I had known about Enzyme therapy sooner. I noticed a difference right away and now when I hit it hard on the tennis court or in
any other activity I increase the dosage for a few days after and my recovery is almost instant. All I can say is thank you for the help and
support and send me some more!”

Nicholas Batt

“I have been using your system since 8/17/2006. I ordered and got the old system and then the new system came out and I ordered it. Actually, my sciatica is better. I can sit for longer periods of time without to much pain. My posture has improved 100% thanks to your system.

I did enjoy the phone conference last evening. I just listened to the others problems and they all sounded worse than mine. Thank you so much and I will spread the word about your system.”
Karen Bailey, Madison, MS

“My Sciatic Pain Is Gone After Just 2 Weeks…” 

“Got the video a couple of weeks ago. At that time I had rather sharp sciatic pain in the left hip and numbness down to the toes of both feet. I did the assessments and found what my primary problem was. I did all the stretches for that condition plus the sciatic stretches several times daily.

For the last several days I haven’t noticed and pain at all. This is only two weeks! About all that is left is the mop up operation. I’ve still got some tingling in the toes, but no more pain.

This is really a great system and well worth the cost, which was far less than my first visit to a chiropractor who did nothing helpful and, like you said, never offered me my money back if his treatments didn’t work.

Thanks again for a great system. Once you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve and how to get there, the rest is simple.”

Jennings Phillips – Blairsville, Georgia

“I still can’t believe it… after trying all of those different treatments I thought I’d never feel normal again. Your system not only got rid of my chronic back pain, but it also helped me eliminate other aches and pains like my tennis elbow! Plus, I was able to do this in just under 2 months… thanks again.”
R. Weinstein – Boulder, Colorado

“Hey Jesse,

As a user of your program for about four months now, I just wanted to send you some comments. I am 54 years old and have been running for about 28 of those years on the street, concrete, and some soft stuff but not much.

I always enjoyed running because I never had any real pain to speak of all those years, and the workout made me feel good. I probably ran on an average about 20-25 miles per week. Just in the past year or two, I started getting knee, back, joint, heel, hip, sciatic, etc, you name it, I started to get it and each time I would run it was a different adventure.

I realized just in the past 6 months that not only was running causing me to have pain during exercise, but the pain started to be constant and was causing me to be miserable and having serious issues with my work which is Carpentry Construction.

When I got your program and started using it, I could barely move without pain and I diagnosed myself to have a forward tipped pelvis and forward neck roll. Well, let me tell you, most if not all of my constant pain is gone, and yesterday I ran a mile around a local track backwards (like you suggested) and so far I feel fine.

Most people that I tell about your program don’t want to listen (even though they are in bitter pain) because they are old fashion in they’re thinking and refuse to be open minded to what makes good sense. I believe that most of them are also lazy and think that a pill or just resting will cure their ills. Anyway, thanks for the program, and I will keep you updated on things if you don’t mind. (it’s good therapy for guys like me to talk about it)”


Thanks again,
Joe DeMartini

I bought your Lose the back pain offer several months ago. The reason for my need was originally caused by a bad fall, over forty years ago, resulting in a displaced, fractured lumbar vertebra. Over the years, this has given me problems from time to time, but, as I have continued doing sport, the muscles have remained strong enough to compensate.

Now, in my mid-sixties, I have almost ceased competing, while still carrying on coaching athletic throws. As a result, my back really started to give me trouble. As soon as I received your package, I started to do the exercises, and the pain ceased immediately. I carry out an exercise regime every day anyway, but your exercises are now, very definitely, an integral part of it. You have done your bit with the information, now it is up to me to continue using it. The nice part is that I am in control, and, as there are no drugs, there are no side effects.

I have been happily informing youngsters of your existence if they have back pain. I tell them a couple of stretches to do, and it is very pleasant to see the look of amazement as the pain is relieved. Sadly, being young, they probably have yet to visit your site, and, speaking as a coach, I hope that they will never need to, but, at least you have a very strong supporter, spreading the word.

Many thanks for the pain relief,”


Many thanks for the pain relief,
Richard W Turner
Hammer, shot and discus athletics coach

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