Pinched Nerve In Neck

There are several causes for neck pain but those who suffer from a pinched nerve would argue that this may be the worse. Pinched nerves are often referred to as a herniated disc, prolapsed disc, ruptured disc, bulging disc, or slipped disc. Pinched nerves can also be associated with the pinching found in a muscle or other structures.

The most common reasons for a pinched nerve are muscle imbalance and herniated disc. Both are a result of postural dysfunctions which put abnormal pressure on the disk causing wear and tear. Eventually there is contact with the nerve thus causing the pain. Pinched nerves don’t happen overnight, it takes a substantial amount of time before the nerve endures pain causing levels of pressure.

Some symptoms of pinched nerves include:

• Local to radiating pain

• Arm or leg pain

• Local burning or prickling

• Weakenss

• Numbness

• Loss of bowel or bladder control (in more extreme cases)

The tricky thing about pinched nerves is that the brain, often times, has difficulty locating exactly where the problem area is which causes the effects of the pinched nerve to be noticed in other parts of the body. Regardless of how the pinch nerve manifest you are eager to find treatment.


The great news it there are several things that can be done to relieve a pinched nerve in the neck:.

Start with hot or cold compresses: Begin with the cold compress or use a bag of ice in a towel and wrap it around the bag of ice. Apply the cold compress to the area of the neck that is experiencing pain. Leave the cold compress on the affected area for 20 minutes. After removing the cold compress apply heat to the same area. You can find heat pads that use infrared heat to penetrate deep into your body to relieve pain at The Healthy Back Institute.

Anti-inflammatory meds: Consider using an ibuprofen such as Motrin and Advil to reduce swelling and inflammation in the neck to relieve pain.

Get rest: Try laying down and relieving pressure off the neck. Try to lie straightly aligned as to experience the greatest amount of comfort.

Have a massage: There are not many things more soothing than a massage. A nice massage may be exactly what you need to relax and relieve neck tension. Not only can the message be beneficial for neck pain relief, it can do wonders for the entire body.

Exercise: Be careful not to overexert yourself but there are benefits to light neck exercises. Try rolling the neck from left to right, around and around in slow, soft circles. This also aids in pressure relief and alignment.

Cortisone injections: These injections have been known to dissolve scar tissue and help speed the recovery process by aiding in the body’s defense and reducing inflammation.

Hospital/Surgery: In the most extreme cases surgery or a hospital stay may be required. Neck surgery is rarely conducted but when successful can be essential to pinched nerve relief.

If you would like to see more tips or you’re interested in more information please do not hesitate to visit today!

Filed Under: Neck Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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