Back Pain Office Chair Reviews

In our last video I showed you how to avoid back pain at work with some simple ergonomic tips on how to set up your desk, use the telephone, adjust your office chair and more.

Today we get right down to the root of the problem most likely behind your back pain at work: the office chair you’re planted in hour after hour every day.

You probably realize office chairs are not all the same. But I’m not just talking about their price. In fact, there’s a lot more variety in office seating than you may have considered before.

We’ve tested dozens of office chairs and seating aids over the years. So many we can’t even fit them all in our offices anymore. But today we’ve selected six chairs to review which represent the broadest possible range of seating options for you to consider.

In this video I’ll show you the differences between them… covering everything from a simple exercise ball to the most sophisticated back support office chair… showing you exactly what to look for… the pros & cons of each… and even demonstrate how you can use a back support cushion or back orthotic to turn a lower-quality chair into an office chair which meets both your physical needs and your budget.

After you watch the video, be sure to share your own tips in the comments below. Have a favorite chair or technique that helps your back pain at work we didn’t cover? Let us know below.

Finally, keep an eye out for the next video in our At-Work video series where I’ll show you some quick and easy stretches you can use right at your desk to relieve back pain at work.

best chair for bad backs

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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23 thoughts on “Back Pain Office Chair Reviews”

  1. Jean Thompson says:

    Informative–may help me alter the chair I have.

  2. Faith says:

    And what is the name of the last chair?

  3. Sara says:

    This video would have been better if you had done the chair demos in front of the light wall instead of the dark door. There’s not much contrast with black against brown. A light wall corner would have been a good background, too. Thank you.

  4. Jacinthe says:

    Additionally to Sara’s comment to improve the video, I would suggest to wear light color pants. More contrast with the chair color would help to see better the sitting angle.
    Overall, informative video. Thanks!

  5. BILL says:


  6. Ginny says:

    I am on your email list, and trust and respect your content very much. However when I followed your link to the Office Chair review on Facebook, I was disappointed that you went right into a sales pitch. I would have rather seen a short review of the different chairs and the harm they cause, and then the solutions that your excellent products provide. I don’t like to send my friends directly to a sales pitch, so I won’t share it.
    Other than that, very informative video. Thanks.

  7. Ashu says:

    Thank you for taking the time to make this video and review the chairs. I am currently looking to get rid of my existing comp chair and replacing it with something that allows the best natural movement. What is the make/name of the last chair in your video (the “Caddilac”) I like that you can stretch your shoulders by leaning back your elbows on that as the back of the chairs allows you to do that. Please let me know where I can buy that chair and how much is its approx cost. Thankyou and be well 🙂

  8. Alex says:

    Excellent, informative video

  9. Hugh Bain says:

    A chair, is a chair, is a coffin. You have failed to address physiological issues. If you do a working day non-weight bearing, femur 90 degrees to your lumbar vertebrae, then you are smoking 10 cigarettes a day in terms of mortality issues. Non to partial weight bearing can have an effect on insulin resistance, and what happens to your arteries. When I switched from a conventional chair design, to a saddle seat in my operating theatre, my lumbar sacral pain virtually disappeared. Your leg and back pitch changes radically.

  10. Charles Lucas says:

    A very concise and informative presentation. I think that you did a great job. It explained why one type chair would be more corective than another and you even demonstrated them in use. Can’t beat that for a short yet surprisingly detailed seminar. I know I learned something from it. I too have one of those $59.00 super duper swivel chairs that you can’t get comfortable in. It doesn’t stay adjusted and in general is a pain in the back and neck. If I had to spend all day in a chair I agree that a mid-range, quality chair would be a must.

  11. Diane says:

    Your video was very informative. Thank you for what you’ve done for me over the past year. I own the Freedom Back, Back Joy Core and the Swing Chair that you sell from your site (the one just prior to the blue $1800 model).
    The Swing Chair costs $599, but it is worth every penny. It has made a HUGE difference in my ability to stay at my desk at work 8 hours a day without pain. As my boss so eloquently put it – “it is worth more than that for me to have you at work every day” – and he is a penny-pinching Finance Director! He was not disappointed in the purchase.
    I love the chair so much that I am saving up to buy one for my desk at home, too! Thank you.

  12. Bridget says:

    Nice review on some common chairs. I recommend chairs to my Rolfing clients, after a P.T. told me about them. The concept is very different. There is no lumbar arch support, just an adjustable suport at the top of the hip/sacrum and a second one below the shoulder blades. They have a very affordable car seat, or the more expensive office chair model (my husband loves his).

  13. BOBBIE says:

    I’m very interested in knowing what you think of the Aeron Chair by Herman Miller. I have Spinal Stenosis and “bulging discs.” As a result I suffer from awful Sciatica. I find that the Aeron Chair puts less pressure on the backs of my legs. This seems to ease the pain after sitting for long periods of time. It is very expensive, but seems to be effective. Do you have any thoughts or alternatives to this chair?

  14. carl says:

    nice summary! I appreciated that you started with the ball, one of my favorites. However, you skipped another excellent alternative, those chairs which have no back, but have knee rests so you are partially kneeling and therefore reducing that forward curve in the back.

  15. Augustine Carrillo says:

    Thanks for the demo on chairs. It’s good to know that their are chairs that willnot make your back tired. My chair isn’t the best and it does tire my back if I sit to long. I have one of those exercise ball and I’m going to try it. Thanks for the tip.

  16. sari staggs says:

    I still didn’t end up with a price for the chair you most highly recommend. Also I do not know if it’s commercially available somewhere I have access to or whether I have to get it directly from you. I live in California and you ar eall the way across the country from me.

    Also, I am an artist and work on a drafting table that is too high for most regular height office chairs so I need a chair that is drafting table height. What do you recommend in this instance?

    Thank you, Sari Staggs

  17. Judy says:

    Thanks for the demo on the various chairs. I almost bought the chair that you sell through your website, but it doesn’t have a headrest. I would like to be able to lean my head back since I also watch TV while I’m working on my computer (at home). Since I spend sometimes 6-7 hours in front of the computer, and not get up enough, I’ve developed a pain in the butt (periformus muscle). I do plan to get another chair. Do you have any recommendations for a chair with a higher back? I’m also looking for a smaller chair (not bulky).

  18. Admin says:

    Hi Sari,

    Thank you for your post and query. I have sent you an e mail. Please look for it.

    Thank you

  19. Federico says:

    Thanks for the information on the chairs but, I didn’t get the name or manufacture of the chairs and how much they cost. Though you did state the cost of on chair.


  20. Walter says:

    Since I spend sometimes 6-12 hours in front of the computer, and not get up enough, I’ve developed a pain in the butt (periformus muscle). I do plan to get another chair. The one you hae in video, where can that chair be purchased and would it be best for above problem.

    What is your opinion of kneeling chairs?

  21. Pauline says:

    The third chair & the fifth chair are wonderful for office chairs. The fourth one that swirvel do not seemed to be a good option for working but probably a good choice to workout the back and the butt.

  22. Admin says:

    Hi Walter,

    Thank you for your comment and question.

    Yes we like Kneeling chairs and are working on a design now. We will have more detail later this year.

  23. Steve says:

    (The “Cadillac Chair”) is called the Health Chair… and it runs about $1200.oo US


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