Neck Muscle Spasm

A neck muscle spasm or cramp is caused by a painful contraction of the muscles in your neck that won’t relax and can sometimes last for weeks. The remedy for a neck muscle spasm is multi-faceted, but is best treated through homeopathic means.

The underlying reasons behind neck muscle strain can be due to many factors. Stress plays an important role, both emotional and physical. When people are emotionally stressed out, they tense the muscles in their neck tightly without even knowing it. After doing this nonstop for a couple of days, the muscle can seize up in a painful cramp.



If you have been pulling long hours at work sitting forward in your work chair or driving long hours with your head 2-3 inches from the head rest of your car seat, you could end up with a painful neck muscle spasm as well. The muscles in the back of your neck and even in your shoulders can get very tired from holding your head up in this position.

Doing this for years can wreck your posture and lead to Forward Head Posture, because as the muscles get stretched this way, they stay this way, making it harder to maintain the correct posture without pain.

Forward Head Posture can cause a host of common maladies, including neck muscle spasms. It can lead to:

  • Tension headaches
  • Knots in the back of the neck
  • Sore chest muscles
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms and/or hands
  • Facial pain
  • Irritability
  • TMJ dysfunction (jaw pain)

At LosetheBackPain, we have been helping people to self diagnose and treat multiple types of back pain, based on years of clinical experience. However, you might be surprised to know that we recommend only holistic approaches to treat back pain. We have found that traditional approaches to back and neck pain only lead down one road: to invasive procedures that don’t treat the root cause, only the symptoms.

With neck muscle spasms, the problem is the same. If you spend the co-pay for a visit to the doctor, you might merely be prescribed some high dosage anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxer to take for your sharp pain. Why bother to pay the money and make a wasted trip if all this will gain you is a short term solution?

At LosetheBackPain, we have strategies, exercise programs and advice that you can use to effectively treat both the pain of a neck muscle spasm and prevent one in the future.

Try one of our holistic, natural pain relievers. They come with absolutely no side effects and are guaranteed to provide you with relief, because their ingredients have been doing so for centuries. Even modern scientific studies have concluded that the ingredients of our Heal n’ Soothe enzyme treatment do in fact naturally reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it—even in cancer patients.

Then treat the cause of your neck muscle spasm with our helpful advice, exercise regimens and products designed to re-teach you the correct head posture. This will restore muscle imbalance in your neck, so your head will be properly supported throughout the day and there will not be any added stress on your neck muscles. We also have many home treatments you can try in the meantime.

If you are suffering from a neck muscle spasm, visit our site today.

Filed Under: Neck Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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