Neck Muscle Pain

Neck Muscle Pain


There are several reasons for neck pain, one or so which we all experience at some point or another in our lifetime. The neck consists of muscles, nerves, bones and ligaments. When affected, these things can cause great discomfort. Some experience pain in the neck due to injury and trapped or irritated nerves generally caused by bulging disc, mechanical problems, muscular problems or arthritis. Most commonly, neck pain is caused by injury of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues within the neck structure.

Injury to the soft tissues can occur in many ways. Some injuries to the tissues occur from trauma caused by accident or whiplash. Also, degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine (the neck) can pinch nerves which in turn cause pain. Many people notice neck pain during times of extreme worry or stress. This is because the neck and shoulders tend to be an area where stress is held so there is tension in the muscles that cause for a stiffness and discomfort. Looking down for long period of time can also cause neck muscle pain. Looking down is unavoidable for those whose occupation requires it but if it can be avoided one should practice keeping an eye level neck posture.

Neck pain generally manifest in the form of stiffness or aching in the neck. This stiffness can affect the sufferer’s range of motion as too much movement causes added strain. Neck pain has also been known to be prevalent in the upper shoulder area, between the blades, and can radiate to the head causing headaches before venturing down the arms into the hands. Some have noted that pain in the neck simulates a tingling or prickling feeling that maneuvers throughout the upper body. Weakness can also be a symptom of neck pain as well as swelling and deformity.

Neck pain can be a common occurrence so you may be relieved to know that there are effective treatments that can be done at home to ensure neck pain relief. Start by getting your rest. Mandatory bed rest isn’t necessary but you do want to allow your neck a little recovery time. A day or two of relaxation has never hurt anybody so take advantage. After you’ve rested, begin to incorporate light neck exercises to speed recovery.

If neck pain persists you may want to take a pain reliever. Try an anti-inflammatory ibuprofen such as Advil and Motrin. This will reduce any inflammation in the neck which will aid in relieving the pain. Also, do not hesitate to ice the area. Ice also reduces swelling while soothing the neck and muscles. Be sure that the ice is placed in a plastic bag or is within a compress to avoid damage to the skin.

If these methods do not work and neck pain continues to persist after a week, you may want to consult your physician. Though intrusive procedures and long hospital stays are rare in treating neck pain prolonged symptoms should be addressed.

If you are seeking more information on neck pain or you would like more treatment options visit today!

Filed Under: Neck Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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