Golf Upper Back Pain

Common injuries among the golfing set can cause upper and lower back pain. The body is held in a difficult position in the swing, rotating the upper body to such a degree that it is inevitable that a strain will occur. Lower back pain, upper back pain, arthritis and herniated spinal discs are common among golfers, because of this very unnatural twisting motion of the upper body versus the lower. Your particular tolerance level for the torsion involved in the swing can vary due to age, physical fitness, stiffness of joints, muscles and ligaments, and incorrect form or posture. However, golfers of any age or fitness level can suffer from upper and lower back pain. It’s important to know how it’s caused, how to prevent it, and what to do if it happens.

To lessen the negative impact golf might have on your body, it is essential to learn the proper techniques, including posture, which plays a key role in your ability to not only stay healthy, but also have a better shot. Follow these simple tips for back health, and buy an instructional video on golf technique and posture, demonstrated by a pro. Or pay for a few lessons from a golf pro at your local course or country club. Make sure you’re using exactly the right height and weight clubs for your size and fitness, and make sure your posture is perfect, with the help of professionals. They will have tips that you might not have ever thought of, and even if you don’t see the benefit physically at first, you’ll probably knock a few points off your score.

Stretching is extremely important before ever picking up a club. You’ll be concentrating on your back, shoulders, core and hips. Try bringing your knees individually to your chest while standing, supported, to stretch your hamstrings and hips. Simple toe-touches will accomplish the hamstring stretch as well. Gently rotating from the waist with your arms extending, right, then left will stretch your side abdominal muscles. Reaching for the ceiling as far as you can, then dropping your arms and shaking them out, slowly and repeatedly, will help stretch out your shoulders and arms. Spend at least ten minutes on your workout before 18 holes, and really put effort into getting the most out of every stretch. The more you do it, the more limber you’ll become, and less prone to injury.

Consider picking up a strength-training routine with weights and cardiovascular exercise. Lifting weight to strengthen your arms, legs, core and back will only help with injury prevention. A good cardiovascular workout will enhance the weight training, and benefit you with improved circulation and oxygenation, enabling a more enjoyable golf experience.

If you do become injured while playing golf, it’s highly advisable to seek a doctor’s care. They will most likely prescribe analgesics, rest of the affected area, and icing down the injury. Common sense while recuperating is advised, including not lifting anything heavy for a few days, and perhaps either taking your regular work-out easy, or skipping it altogether for a couple of days.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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