Been sitting there awhile? It’s time for a stretch break!
Back pain is a leading cause of disability and missed days at work.
But there are many times when you simply have to push through the pain and get the job done, right?
That’s why today I want to share a quick office stretch break routine with you including specific stretching exercises that’ll loosen up tight muscles… relieve existing pain… and prevent an existing back pain problem from getting worse.
Follow along with me in today’s short video where I show you exercises you can use to stretch and strengthen your lower back, biceps, triceps, and mid-section right at your desk.
These will help you overcome many of the common office worker pain complaints I hear about on a regular basis. Even though I take about 5 minutes to show you all the exercises, even a minute or two stretching several times a day can make a huge difference in your back pain while working a desk job.
Don’t miss Part 2 of our Office Stretch Routine!
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Thanks for the back stretching video. I have an inversion device called Back Revolution. I use it regularly. Occasionally it has led to a strain of my left sacroiliac. Once that happens I can’t do much of anything for two weeks. How do I prevent SI strains other than not using the inversion tool?
I have 4 bulging discs…L,3,4,5,1.. bonespurs,scar tissue,inflamation, hip and SI joint due to falling off a ladder 2 years ago…..I bought the “loose the back pain cd” I love it!! It has helped my back… but now when I do some of the stretching the lower back, and the muscle from the pelvis to the front leg my SI joints and the hips will hurt so bad that I can NOT walk more than 15 min now without hurting… it feels like I am going to hit the floor in plubic somewhere and cant get up… sharp pain from the lower back to the buttocks and the SI joint..Now, If you could help me like you did with the lower back I would be Normal again.. Please!!
Not to mention I have a forward tilt pelvis on top of all that… Thank you in advance for your response..
Hi Sandy,
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Thank you
Thanks. Most awesome I tried the stretches today at work. Also RON PAUL 2012!! way to be Jesse
Thank you, great suggestions there. I particularly like fist exercises as can do those whenever watching or reading at desk.
Thanks for sending me, my require vidio exercise , i have seen it and i feel it is very useful for all office people ,who has to work for a long constant working hrs. on table , thanks once again.