2-Minute Video About Inversion Therapy

Ever wondered if inversion therapy really works?

Well, watch this short, 2-minute video we created for you. In this video, we
demonstrate how inversion therapy works and also show you several things
you can do to make it even better.

So if you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica and have not
tried inversion therapy, you really should watch this short video and read the
special report that is also available on the webpage.

And if you’ve already tried inversion, you still should watch it because you may
find several of the special “tricks” we share to be helpful.

I also wanted to share with you an email that I received a long time ago but just
found while going through my “collection” of thousands of emails.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: kate.b@myemail.net
Date: Jul 27, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: 54 Year Old Nurse Shares Her Secrets For Sciatica Relief
To: jesse@gethealthyandfit.com

Hi Jesse,
Over the past year I have become a fan of you and what you’re doing on your
website. I was 33 yrs old when my son was born. When he was 3 months old I
got out of a rocking chair and “tweaked” the wrong way and ended up spending
2 weeks flat on the floor unable to move icing nonstop (luckily I have family
around). I was in soo much pain, I’d wake up in tears..not that I slept with a new
born in the house.

Completely exhausted, I had an MRI that reported I had herniated my L5-S1
disc area. That started my journey into researching how to take care of my back
and how to get those core muscles some strength after pregnancy.

3 unsuccessful cortizone injections later, hours of physical therapy, meds etc.
nothing worked. I used to be a marathon runner and lead a very active lifestyle.
I was determined to get back to enjoying my family and life!

Then one night in my quest I came across your website and the inversion table.
I ordered your books, dvd’s and an inversion table. It changed my life! I’m hooked
and have been pain free for over 10 months now. I’m doing pilates, run in the
water, “hang like a bat” on the table as my husband calls it, and chase my toddler
around all day without any pain.

Kate Berman, 34 & fit mama of an active 22 month old. 🙂

———- end Kate’s email ————

That’s awesome!

I’ve said it so many times before, but it deserves repeating here again now…

Most people get the best results when they COMBINE multiple treatments and
remedies together.

Here’s the combination that we have found to work the best for the largest
number of people:

1. Identify and address muscle imbalances, which are almost always the
underlying cause, by using the Lose The Back Pain system

2. Reduce pain and inflammation with safe and natural ingredients like the
ones found in Lifezyme Plus

3. Decompress the spine with some form of traction or inversion therapy

4. Address trigger points – with help from a trigger point specialist or can be
done at home using our trigger point self treatment system

5. Improve your mental / emotional state and wipe out negative stress and
there are many ways to accomplish this. A few products we recommend
are the Stress Less video and Mind Body Pain Relief

Well, I hope you find the video about inversion therapy informative and keep
your eyes peeled as I have several more videos I’ll be sending you over the
next few weeks.

In fact, I have one about sciatica where I’ll show you one of THE most effective
stretches for sciatica… plus an other video showing you many little things you
can do to reduce or better manage pain while at work.

So, that’s all for now… talk to you again soon.


Filed Under: Inversion Therapy, Video
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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