What I Learned from George Foreman

George ForemanA couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to hear George Foreman speak as well as shake his hand.

He seems like a great guy and his presentation was great… motivating, inspiring and funny. Here are a couple of things that really stood out from his talk:

1. Get up early

Don’t sleep late, get up slowly and maybe get some thing done. Get up early, jump out of bed and accomplish something as early in the day as possible. Sounds silly but this DOES make a big difference. Look at all the truly successful people (ones who created their success from scratch) and you’ll see that they get up early and get a lot done in a day.

2. Listen to your elders

This was more about how to teach your children to be successful but it applies to adults as well… but I’d improve it by saying “Listen to those who have done it already”. What I mean by that is, if you want to learn paint you can go the do it yourself route and read books, etc or you can find an expert artist and get private lessons… which do you think will get you better results?

3. Be the nicest person you can be

Everyone likes nice people and I don’t think anyone likes un-kind folks… yet so few people are nice to each other. Go out of your way to be nice to everyone you encounter and not only will you be happy and make others happy, but great things will always come your way.

4. There’s a difference between losing and getting beaten

George said, it’s ok to lose, but it’s not ok to let yourself get beaten… and what he meant was, not trying or giving up is allow yourself to be beaten and that’s it’s ok and normal to lose… we can’t always “win”.

Anyway, hope you found these quick tips helpful. I sure did… you can never have too many reminders !!!

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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2 thoughts on “What I Learned from George Foreman”

  1. Samuel says:

    Wow! It must have been so cool to meet him. I remember watching his fights and admired him for making such a successful comeback at 45 years old…truly inspiring!

  2. Dr Rich Therkelsen says:

    I love George. And he’s got some great advice there. Too bad he didn’t follow his own point #4. He could have come back from the Ali defeat and become one of the greatest heavyweights of all time.

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