Fox News BLOWS LID OFF Pain Cream Scam

This might be one of the most despicable acts I’ve ever seen from the Medical Establishment… Fox News reports Mississippi doctor Dr. Alberto Diaz is accused of robbing over $2.3 million dollars from a taxpayer-funded government health care program. How did he do it? He prescribed EXPENSIVE pain creams to folks with … Read More

Filed Under: Pain Relief
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

When You Eat THESE Common “Trigger Foods”… Your Bones and Joints Go Under “Microscopic Attack”… And That’s Why You Hurt!

pain kitchen collage

You’ve probably heard the phrase… “You are what you eat!” Most people hear that and think about how foods like donuts, pizza, and cookies cause them to pack on the pounds… But recent research shows the foods you eat every day have a massive impact on inflammation, joint pain, and your overall quality of life. Sc … Read More

Filed Under: Healthy Eating
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Understanding And Overcoming Chronic Pain in the Spine

businessman suffering from spinal pain

If you suffer from chronic pain in the spine, it could be an indicator that you are suffering from a more serious medical problem that needs immediate medical assistance. Spine pain occurs due to a variety of factors including trauma, injury, infections or lifestyle, and because of the complicated nature of the spine, effect … Read More

Filed Under: Spinal Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

10 Tips for Helping a Partner with Chronic Pain

The only thing worse than struggling with chronic pain is watching your partner struggle with it. It’s a helpless feeling to watch someone you love deal with pain. At the same time, chronic pain affects a person’s daily life on so many levels – emotionally as well as physically. Your partner may be struggling with emot … Read More

Filed Under: Pain Relief
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,