Symptoms of Herniated Disc

Symptoms of herniated disc can be debilitating and difficult to deal with. Depending on the disc’s location, they can include pain that makes walking and moving hard, as well as tingling or numbness in the arms, legs or butt.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Your spinal column is made up of small, strong pieces of bone that are cushioned by discs to make movement and flexibility easier. When one of these discs becomes broken or displaced, it is defined as a herniated disc.

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When the disc is moved out of place it can limit mobility of the spine, and press on nearby nerves, causing many of the symptoms related to a herniated disc.

How Does it Happen? Think of your car’s shock absorption system. Your back works the same way. Over time, these discs wear out, and break or get pushed out of place. Especially if the road you’re traveling is particularly bumpy.

Keeping that in mind, aging is the most common cause of herniated discs. Constant wear and tear on the discs weakens them and makes them extremely susceptible to damage.

Additionally age related diseases like Degenerative Disc Disease and osteoarthritis can speed the process. Degenerative Disc Disease dries out spinal discs, making them even more vulnerable to damage, while osteoarthritis creates bone spurs which can cause pain and low mobility.

Occasionally a herniated disc can be caused by a certain type of trauma. This is especially evident for athletes who expose themselves to potential injuries regularly – like gymnasts and football players. However, for the average person, a car accident or a fall from a great height can have a similar effect.

What Can You do About it? If you experience a herniated disc, no matter the cause there are a few things you can do before you go under the knife for repairs. Surgery is one way to remedy the issue, but especially for the elderly, it isn’t always the best option.

First, approach the problem logically. Do what you can do reduce swelling in the area. You may even want to take a few over the counter pain medications, specifically NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Aspirin or Ibuprofen. Try not to rely on this though, as extended and overuse of these medications can have adverse side effects like ulcers.

For more natural relief of swelling and pain, try temperature therapy. Particularly if the injury is due to a trauma, apply a cold compress to halt the swelling. A package of frozen vegetables or a Ziploc bag of ice will do just fine for this task. Then later, apply heat to release any tension in the surrounding muscles and relieve pressure on the area. That will help relax away any pain you may be feeling. For the best heat therapy, try an infrared heating pad, like the ones found at The technology allows heat to go deeply into the affected area for more thorough pain relief than a traditional heating pad can provide.

There’s actually quite a bit you can do to help relieve your herniated disc pain without surgery, and The Healthy Back Institute can help! For more information on symptoms of herniated disc, and how to get rid of them naturally, visit today.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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