It's time to put shoulder pain behind you
Shoulder pain doesn’t have to ruin your life. But you have to know which of the four categories your shoulder pain falls into before you’ll be able to successfully treat it.
Our friend and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Kareem Samhouri (we call him Dr. K for short) just wrote a fantastic report digging into all four of these shoulder pain classifications… detailing what causes each type… explaining exactly what’s going on when it happens… and giving you specific advice on what to do for each.
It’s one of the most comprehensive reports we’ve ever seen on shoulder pain in just 10 pages. Meaning you can quickly discover what type of shoulder pain you have and start getting rid of the pain right away.
Best of all, you can download Dr. K’s Pain-Free Shoulder Report for free… right now. No sign ups. No giving your email away. Simply click the link below and it’s yours.
Download Dr. K’s Free Shoulder Pain Report Now
A really useful report thanks a lot
Hy there
The Shoulder pain mostly always comes from a toxic bowel and a conjested liver. After a few liverdetox and a bowelcleansing course the pain goes away. Unless we will find out what food does not agree with us and we avoid it or we eat it only on a 4 day rotation diet the pain will come back. Aswell alcohol coffee and dairyproduct has to be drasticly reduce and so on…livestyle has to be changed and we have to think good thoughts….we have to love our body and we have got to move it…
Gabriella Mensch
ok . thank for riport you very good