Spinal stenosis generally appears in two forms cervical spinal stenosis, which occurs near the neck, and lumbar spinal stenosis, at the lower back, and is a condition that is caused by the narrowing of the space that surrounds the spinal cord or nerves. Thoracic spinal stenosis is located mid-back but is a far less common co … Read More
Relieving Chronic Back Pain
It is not surprising that millions of people endure some kind of back pain during their lifetime. Back pain can be very debilitating and has the ability to alter your daily plans. The kind of back pain that people have varies based on the type of root problem that is triggering the pain and the location. You can have lower, … Read More
Four Treatments For Spinal Arthritis and Back Pain

Spinal arthritis is a common condition that can often be found in persons that are older, obese, athletic, heavy lifters, or those who previously suffered from spinal injury. This condition can become very painful especially as it affects those that are over the age of 40. A person may be experiencing spinal arthritis if the … Read More
Spina Bifida Back Pain
Serious illnesses like spina bifida can cause all kinds of unpleasant symptoms, one of which is back pain. This is not surprising, but it can be very frustrating for people who have the condition. Alleviating that back pain becomes a goal, and there are only so many ways that this can be done. One of the most significant fir … Read More
Sore Back
The key to preventing and managing a sore back is altering a few behaviors that put stress on your back. There are a few guidelines to keep in mind on proper posture, lifting, and exercising. There are also quite a few remedies on the market that can help you to manage a sore back. Heating pads, muscle creams, and pain medic … Read More
Soft Bed and Back Pain
While soft beds may initially seem to be the comfiest bedding solution, they can sometimes cause problems for chronic back pain sufferers. You may want to consider this before you purchase a soft mattress, especially if you are middle aged or older. Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors, from incorrect lifting, to … Read More
Chronic Back Pain Due To Sitting
If you sit for long periods of time and suffer from chronic back pain, chances are good that poor posture is to blame. Many lower back problems can be traced to not only sitting in one position for too long, but also sitting in a way that puts too much pressure on the spine or curves the spine incorrectly. Whether you suffe … Read More
Shooting Back Pain
Shooting back pain can be one of the most painful injuries a person can face. Often appearing with little warning, sufferers are sometimes left wondering what has caused their debilitating pain. There is no denying the pain of an acute back ache, but learning the causes and the ways to alleviate it can help. Acute back pain … Read More
Shoes Low Back Pain
Most of us spend significant amounts of time on our feet, but can the shoes we wear be causing low back pain? The answer is yes and no actually. Wearing shoes with inadequate support can certainly contribute to your pain. It has been documented that women that wear heels or sandals can often develop pain in the back, knees a … Read More
Shoe Inserts for Back Pain
Lower back pain has many causes and many cures, and if your doctor recommends shoe inserts (after a thorough examination including X-rays and a comprehensive physical), you should consider it. Back pain is often associated with poorly fitting shoes, and you might need orthopedic shoes. Locating just the right pair, however, … Read More