Beverly Hayes, Groton CT

"I am a new customer and an old person with a spine full of arthritis according to the specialist. The arthritis pain moves from my neck down to my hips. I am basically healthy and use no RX drugs. However, my back pain was severe and wore me out everyday so I couldn't get things done. The pain has been really bad for the la … Read More

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“Sludge Blood” Is this the REAL Reason You’re STILL in Pain No Matter What You Do? ...Plus, a Simple Solution that Delivers a Rush of Soothing Relief What do you see in the picture above? Some might see a beautiful, brightly-colored piece of coral reef… Others might see a work of art... a miniature reproduction … Read More

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Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Charles Boulet Jr from Bakersfield, CA

"I have lower back pain and arthritis with a nodule growing between my 6 and 7th vertebrae. Dr gave me anti- inflammatory and muscle relaxer. Two days after starting your Heal-n-Soothe the pain begin to subside. When I reached 12 capsules a day all pain has left and I have resumed all my activities such as gardening, bike ri … Read More

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Janet Harper from New Port Richey, FL

"I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, bone loss and a degenerated disk, COPD, inner and outer hemorrhoids. I have been in pain for 37 years. Since I have been taking Super Joint Support, Heal-n-Soothe and Natural Cleanse I am in less pain than I was while taking dangerous medications. Since I've been taking Natural Cleanse, … Read More

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Dorothy Manning from Riverside, CA

"I have RA, fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis. I prayed for a natural medicine. After the natural meds I used were discontinued, one day while on my tablet a Healthy Back Institute advertisement jumped up. I read it and tried Heal-n-Soothe. It took about 3 and a half months to kick in, but when it did I was to … Read More

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Jim Paterson from Australia

"I had neck pain and stiffness after a whiplash injury. I could not turn my head to see sideways or backwards. After 2-3 months of taking Heal-n-Soothe my neck was freed up and most of the pain was gone! I also have a hip problem and it has improved about 50% in this time. I will be 91 soon and I recently won The Australian … Read More

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Marcia Brackett from Canada

"I am a 45 yrs old woman who was recently diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis in my left hip. I have had pain on and off for over 16 yrs but the last 3 months were almost unbearable. Pain has literally become my alarm clock as it wakes me up at night.   Conventional medicine has stopped working and nothing was alleviating … Read More

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Marilyn Foley and my family from Australia

"I had lower back pain and joint pain. I also have trouble with my eyesight. I am 66 years old. I was tired, unable to sleep, and a general feeling of being unwell which in turn caused me to continue putting on weight. I began with Heal-n-Soothe and introduced the Super Joint Support a month later. My husband and mother n … Read More

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Lorraine Carter from New Zealand

"I had abdominal surgery go wrong.  After I was released from Hospital I collapsed at home and was in toxic shock dying from a virulent super bug they had no cure for.  I was hospitalized for three months before I finally went home. I have been a chronic pain patient ever since as the super bug interfered with my healing. I … Read More

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Adele Scott – Fife, Scotland

"I had back pain for about 5 years now, to the point I couldn't feel my legs and couldn't walk. I have been in and out of hospital many times, but they just gave me more tablets. I put on 3 stone in weight, I was so down I didn't see the point in living anymore, that is how bad I was. I remember the day I found out about … Read More

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