21 Pain-Fighting Foods That Are Incredibly Cheap

In this post I’ll show you exactly which foods are the best at getting rid of inflammation and cheap enough for any budget. If you always have aches and pains, or can’t seem to heal from an injury, you may be suffering from chronic inflammation. You can reduce inflammation in your body by eating a diet rich with anti i … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

7 Reasons to Take Enzymes Daily (they do more than calm achey joints)

Reduced joint discomfort... Immune system support... Healthy inflammation response... Natural blood cleaning... These are just a few of the big health benefits of taking proteolytic enzyme supplements every day. Proteolytic enzymes are at the epicenter of your health. They form in your pancreas, breaking down … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: HBI Editorial Team,

Elsie Ross

"Hi Jesse, I am highly allergic to most foods, drinks, all dyes, most milk products and some fats. Therefore I was very cautious when I took your product, Heal-n-Soothe.  Started July 1st -  First: I did an allergy test: opened a capsule, and using the tip of my finger I wiped some on my lip and waited five minutes... no r … Read More

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5 Best Ways to Beat Arthritis (and Get Lasting Relief)

What is that excruciating pain in your hip, elbow or wrist? You could be experiencing the symptoms of arthritis. In a moment I’ll tell you how to beat arthritis, but first you should understand that arthritis isn’t just a single condition, and learn what the symptoms and risk factors are. In fact, arthritis is the term … Read More

Filed Under: Arthritis
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Tom Sovilla, CA

Jesse, I received the first bottle of Heal-n-Soothe when I was still taking prescribed pain medication and anti-inflammatories and I didn't want to take any chances. I waited a week after these ran out to start my trial of Heal-n-Soothe. I guess the best way to start is to tell my story. I am an avid cyclist and a typical Sa … Read More

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‘Sticky Blood’: More Dangerous for Your Heart Than Cholesterol

It’s time to put the “cholesterol myth” to bed. You see, cholesterol has been mainstream medicine's heart disease scapegoat for decades. Yet numerous studies reveal total cholesterol is a terrible indicator for cardiovascular disease. One Japanese study even shows folks with higher cholesterol live longer. And while … Read More

Filed Under: Clogged Arteries, Proteolytic Systemic Enzymes
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

These 6 Bad Habits Are Making Your Knee Pain WORSE

BREAKING NEWS: Research Reveals the “Holy Trinity” Miracle for Super Fast and Everlasting Joint Relief Nearly 20 percent of U.S. adults experience knee pain.[i] Knee pain can become increasingly painful over time and even lead to joint damage and disability if left untreated. Injuries often cause knee pain, but we tend t … Read More

Filed Under: Knee Pain, Pain and Inflammation
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Charlene Seager, HI

"I started playing in a tennis clinic at 64 years old. I had not played since high school. I have had ligament pain around my knees and rotator hip socket, inflammation issues and been in pain on and off for decades. The attachments around knees were really feeling the quick movements on the tennis court. I really felt the d … Read More

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Valerie Goodcase, Lombard IL

"Let me start with OMG! I have been suffering for 2.5 years from a poorly done left knee replacement. I have been seeing other doctors, going to therapy and exercising like a crazy person ... working so hard and getting so very, very little relief. Scar tissue, they say. BS, I say. Something is not right and I'm going to … Read More

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Pamela Williams Moreno Valley, CA

"I have been dealing with mid and lower back pain, neck and knee pain for 30 years. I wasn't able to do activities I wanted to do. It wasn’t because of the pain it was because the fibrin had me tied up like a ball of yarn. As I began to use your product 2-3 months ago I started to notice that each time I went to stretch or d … Read More

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