"Mr. Cannone, This will be another great testimonial for Heal-n-Soothe. After researching the product online I decided to give it a try. At the time, my left knee hurt with every step I took. I was very concerned about losing my mobility. As an Industrial Electrician, I have to be mobile to earn a living. People at work noticed my limp and slow gait. I had a cortisone shot earlier in the year and it helped, but that relief was gone and my doctor was laying out a treatment path that would end with a knee replacement.
I ordered Heal-n-Soothe as an alternative treatment, but to be honest I carried zero expectations it was going to do anything other than a modest improvement. I took 2 doses of 3 pills the first day. I woke up the next morning and as I was walking to the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks. There was no pain in my knee! No way it was the Heal-n-Soothe I thought. Sometimes I would be pain-free for a few days so this was just a coincidence. However, all Summer the pain did not return.
When I lost my job, Heal-n- Soothe expense was one of the first to go, so I canceled my monthly subscription. I really didn't notice much of a difference for a couple of months. Then I started a new job and not long after my knee pain is back. I limped around for a week and my wife says why don't you take Heal-n-Soothe.
I told her I didn't think it was worth the money and she says "no, your last bottle has been sitting in the cupboard for months". I began taking it and I noticed improvement the first day, but not like last time. Aha I thought, I was giving it too much credit. However, after three days I was pain-free again.
I called my wife to look at my knee. Without me prompting in any way she says, " wow, that is amazing, the swelling is almost gone. You can even see your knee!" That's right. Not only could I feel the improvement, but you can also see it. The big lumpy grapefruit where my knee used to be was mostly gone!
I finished that bottle and did not set up a subscription just because my knee felt great. Plus, I hate buying things like that because I want to control my checking account. An offer to buy in bulk came up and I jumped on it. Also for the cost of shipping, I got a trial bottle of Super Joint Support.
Anyway, my bulk order shows up and for the third time, I go from knee pain to no pain. Needless to say, I no longer have any doubt about what Heal-n-Soothe does for me. I walked in the snow with my 18-month-old granddaughter to cut a Christmas tree. As I felt all the shifting pressures and demands caused by walking on snow and ice in the mountains I had tears in my eyes, I was so thankful. No doubt without Heal-n-Soothe I would have had to stay back at the truck. "
By: Steven Kaiser CA