Does this “ancient” sleeping position fix joint pain?

How This Ancient Sleeping Position in Nature Can Fix Joint Pain (Almost No One in America Does This) Most people don’t give a second thought to how they sleep. Yet research that’s been around for decades shows us certain sleeping positions can make back pain worse. Even more surprising, wild animals leave us clues for the … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: admin,

Jerome M. G. Maryland

It's been about 3 months since I've been taking The Healthy Back Institute's Heal-n-Soothe supplements that helped heal my arthritis and sciatica pain. I finally have the time to send this testimony. My problem started in the first week of December 2022 after working out at the gym, after not going for several months. The n … Read More

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Written By: Alyssa Baker,

Imani Nassor, United Kingdom

Hi Healthy Back Institute, Heal-n-Soothe is a wonder supplement! I have been suffering from early onset arthritis for about 3 years from the age of 50. The pain was focused on my knees and hip joints. I tried so many different remedies and nothing had long lasting effects. I was desperate, so I did something I don't normall … Read More

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Written By: Alyssa Baker,

My Shocking Discovery As An Undercover Medical Device Salesman (Think Twice Before Getting a Knee or Hip Replacement)

I’ll never forget my experience as an undercover medical device salesman for as long as I live. Knee and hip replacements are a cash cow for doctors and hospitals all over the country. $30,000 to $50,000 is the average, but some hospitals charge up to $223,000. This isn’t the portion owed by the patient mind you, but stagger … Read More

Filed Under: Heal-n-Soothe, Hip Pain, Knee Pain
Written By: admin,

4 Hidden Causes of Arthritis and Joint Pain That You’ll Never Hear About From Your Doctor

Doctors mean well. But many are practicing with outdated and limited information they learned years ago in medical school. This is especially true with chronic joint pain and arthritis. In today’s article, we’re going to cover 4 hidden causes of joint pain that you may or may not be aware of. If these are new to you, don’ … Read More

Filed Under: Anti-Inflammatory, Pain and Inflammation
Written By: admin,

“Who’s Gonna Hire the Guy with the Limp?” (How Steven Saved His Knees and His Job)

With a recession looming in today’s economy, people are worried about their financial security more than ever. And for most people, their job is their lifeline. If that lifeline gets cut, financial ruin soon follows.  The average American has a bank account balance of just $5,300. This means if most Americans lose th … Read More

Filed Under: Articles, Heal-n-Soothe, Knee Pain
Written By: admin,