Scoliosis Brace

If you have recently found out that you have scoliosis, your head must be spinning with questions. What is scoliosis? How did I get scoliosis? What are the treatments for scoliosis? What is a scoliosis brace? While much is known about scoliosis, there are still many questions and concerns that have yet to be answered. If you are someone who is asking one or all of these questions, then please read on.

Scoliosis is an unnatural lateral curve in the spine. Meaning the spine is curving from side to side as well as the natural vertical in-and-out curve that it’s supposed to have. Scoliosis can vary from being very mild to being very severe, with a dramatic and clearly visible lateral curve. There are numerous causes of scoliosis; however none of them are known to be self-inflicted. There is evidence that leads us to believe that scoliosis can also be hereditary. Just as there are different causes of scoliosis, there are different types of scoliosis as well. Idiopathic scoliosis, or adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, is the most common type of scoliosis, and there is no known cause for this condition. Congenial scoliosis occurs due to born-abnormalities that one will have from birth. Degenerative scoliosis can be cause by osteoporosis, previous back surgery, or spinal degeneration cause by sickness and disease. Lastly, neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by certain muscular and nerve disease like cerebral palsy, and in the most severe of cases can build up to paralysis.

Treatments for scoliosis vary depending on the type of scoliosis one has, and how mild or severe the case is. One common treatment for scoliosis is a scoliosis brace. Braces for scoliosis are recommended for those who have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis braces are designed to stop and correct the unnatural lateral curve of the spine; however when the brace is removed the spine will possibly return to the way it once was before the scoliosis brace was applied.

Just as there are different types of scoliosis, there are different types of scoliosis braces depending on where the curve in the spine is. For curves in the thoraco-lumbar/lumbar spine a thoraco-lumbo-sacral-orthosis (TLSO) or “Boston/Underarm Brace” is prescribed. Typically the TLSO is worn for the majority of the day and can be taken off while taking part in physical activities and sports. Another type of scoliosis brace is the cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral-orthosis, aka the “Milwaukee Brace”. The Milwaukee Brace is typically prescribed for curves in the thoracic spine and also provides neck support. It is used in the same way as the Boston Brace.

So in a nutshell, scoliosis is a condition that can be dealt with and can be treated with devices such as scoliosis braces. Major treatments such as surgery should only be reserved for the most severe of scoliosis cases. For more information on back pain relief and back pain relief products please visit

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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