Relieve upper back pain with our 4 top back pain tips
While lower back pain rightfully gets a lot attention, upper back pain is a growing problem.
This is especially true among office workers and those who spend hours behind the wheel driving.
Upper back pain relief starts with you and your personal choices. Here’s our top four upper back pain tips to help you relieve upper back pain safely and naturally:
1. Take regular breaks to stretch and soothe your muscles
To relieve upper back pain, you have to give your body a break. Hours spent hunched over a computer, sitting behind a steering wheel, or working in the yard in unnatural postures all add up to muscle strain and muscle imbalance. This strain and imbalance in your muscles is the leading cause of all back pain.
Americans spend more than $50 billion annually on back pain remedies such as surgeries, doctor’s visits, and pain pills according to the American Chiropractic Association.
That’s a lot of money. And chances are none of it will provide permanent upper back pain relief.
Instead, take regular breaks to stretch and rebalance your muscles. In just five to ten minutes, you can relieve upper back pain with the stretches and exercises found in our Lose the Back Pain System.
These stretches and exercises are proven to relieve upper back pain without nasty pharmaceutical side effects, allowing you to give yourself the gift of a pain-free life.
2. Nourish your body from the inside out
Along with stretching and care for your muscles, it’s important to nourish your body from the inside out. Chronic back pain has been linked to simple health complaints like constipation, inflamed joints, and infection. Your body can only fight back against these pain causes if it has the nutritional balance it needs.
Chances are you won’t get it from your diet alone. The average American adult gets the bulk of their calories from processed foods, including more than 22 tablespoons of sugar daily. Over the holidays (just around the corner!) caloric intake jumps to 5,000 to 6,000 calories daily — three days worth in one. And all that food still won’t give you the nutrients and enzymes needed to relieve upper back pain.
You need focused nutritional solutions. If you’re not big on taking pills (or need to sneak in some extra nutrition for finicky kids), you can easily drink more of your daily vitamins and minerals in VIBE juice.
Nutrition doesn’t start and end with vitamins. Enzymes are another tool critical not only for digesting food, but also for sweeping inflammatory-related pain out of your body. By your late 20s, your body stops making most of the systemic proteolytic enzymes that quickly dissolve internal scar-causing fibrin, cleanses out dietary toxins and helps relieve even stubborn upper back pain. That’s why taking a proteolytic enzyme supplement separate from meals can make a huge difference in your level of pain.
3. Combine upper back pain relief tools
Another of our top back pain tips is to use multiple pain relief tools. Yes, you can use stretching and nutrition to fight existing upper back pain, but you can also use back support cushions, improved ergonomic office chairs for back pain, and inversion tables to prevent recurring upper back pain problems. It’s all about digging down to the root causes of your pain and fixing those problems first.
After all, the root causes of your back pain may stem from multiple issues. Perhaps you’ve struggled for years with poor work posture leading to chronic upper back pain. Or maybe you helped a friend move last weekend then followed it up by sitting still for hours watching a game. You’ve got to tackle the stiffness and soreness in your muscles now but also fight back against the real reasons you hurt.
Why drag out your recovery time by choosing only one back pain relief method? Use a pain relief cream for instant pain relief, follow up with Lose the Back Pain stretches, and protect your back with a support cushion. A combination approach like this can put you in control of your pain and give you that needed upper back pain relief much faster.
4. Don’t give up on being active
Last but not least, to relieve upper back pain, don’t give up on being active. Many doctors will tell you to take it easy for a few days, or even prescribe bed rest for severe pain. This is lousy advice!
Back pain comes from muscle imbalances, so being idle does nothing to correct that problem. Instead, to relieve back pain consistently and without relying on medications you need to stay positive and stay active.
Yes, you may not feel like moving a lot when you’re in pain. But movement helps boost your circulation to flush away toxins and bring needed healing oxygen and nutrients to the injured area. If you simply can’t move much yet, a great way to stimulate circulation in your upper back is with far infrared heat.
Like our tips? Share them via email, Facebook, or Twitter. If you found upper back pain relief using these methods be sure to share your success in our comments — we want to hear from you!
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I believe the best way to manage back pain is to prevent ourselves from getting it in the first place. Most causes of back pain are self-inflicted, such as bad postures during work or sport activities. Change the bad habits and we will be free from back pain.
I must admit, I wish I had all this advice 20 years ago. Thanks goodness, it is never too late. To other people reading this – start now and avoid all the suffering. The book on ” 7 day back pain …” is a must read and eat balanced and take all the advice from the video’s possible. You will need it and growing older will be less painful.