Machine for Back Pain Relief

Spinal Decompression is an effective back pain treatment that works by utilizing a linear force on the body to create negative pressure between each vertebra in the back. The negative pressure that is created through spinal decompression can cause a misaligned disc to be pulled back into its normal position. When this occurs much needed fluids, nutrients and oxygen is pulled into the injured area which aid in the healing process.

The spine can be decompressed on various machines and equipment, the most common being an inversion table, non surgical spinal decompression tables and a spinal decompression equipment such as the Back Ease. You can even decompress your spine on a standard exercise ball. Other spinal decompression devices such as the DRX9000 are effective, but more complex and may not be an affordable option for many.

The concept of decompressing the spine was first practiced by our ancient ancestors. As far back as 3,000 BC people practiced inverted yoga poses to re-balance the body, help increase circulation, relieve pressure on the abdominal organs and enhance the functioning of the glandular system. And in 400 B.C. it is noted that Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) would hoist his patients and hang them vertically to harness the power of gravity to help with their ailments. So it’s no surprise that inversion therapy and spinal decompression are popular and effective treatments for back pain.

So let’s take a look at some effect spinal decompression machines for back pain relief.

Seated Inversion Table- An inversion table is a machine for back pain relief that allows one to invert which not only decompresses the spine but offers lower, middle, upper and neck pain relief. As you lean back in the seated inversion table , the chair automatically converts to a flat table. While inverted, gravity and your own body weight combine to gently stretch your back. Space between compacted vertebrae increases. Pressure on spinal discs is relieved. Bulging and herniated discs begin to heal – and even slip back into their normal position. The downside to this type of equipment is that some people may not be able to use it due to medical issues, however feeling uncomfortable upside down is no longer a factor.

DRX9000- The DRX9000 is a state of the art computer controlled spinal decompression machine for back pain relief. These machines are typically found in Chiropractor’s and physician offices. The high tech table gently cycles through a series of pulling and relaxing. While effective, these treatments can become costly over time. You can get the same amount of relief with at home devices such as inversion tables.

Keep in mind, while spinal decompression in one of the most important treatments you can do for the physical aspect of your back pain, you must remember to treat the whole body. Educate yourself on spinal decompression and the above mentioned machines for back pain relief, and find the ones that work best for you.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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