How To Treat Sciatica

One common complaint at doctor’s offices is how to treat sciatica. It is a common medical condition that exists. This condition occurs most often among men and women age 30-50. Although a specific injury can cause this condition, it can also occur as a result of general wear and tear on the spine. This condition can be quite painful but there are treatment options and ways to find relief.

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At the first signs of sciatica it is recommended to use hot and cold treatments. The cold pack is placed on the person’s lower back. It will help reduce inflammation to the nerve in the lower back. This method of treatment is one of the more effective treatments for sciatica. After about the first 6 days of the condition, a person suffering from sciatica then puts on a heat pack in order to dilate blood vessels and increase oxygen flow. This helps speed up the healing process. Hot and cold treatments should be done right away and are the most convenient ways to treat sciatica.

The next leading type of treatment for sciatica is taking some sort of anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory medicine is one of the fastest ways to treat sciatica. The medication used will eliminate inflammation in the lower back and thus eventually alleviating the pain. When receiving anti-inflammatory treatment, you can purchase many over the counter medications such as Celebrex and Bextra. These over the counter medications have side effects such as nausea, upset stomach and at times, these medications can cause ulcers. As always, look for an all natural anti-inflammatory first.

The third and very effective way to treat sciatica is the natural back pain relief product known as Heal-n-Soothe™. This is a highly effective alternative to over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs. Heal-n-Soothe™ is a natural anti-inflammatory remedy which contains powerful enzymes for the treatment of sciatica and other forms of inflammation such as arthritis and Fibromyalgia.

Lastly, another effective treatment for sciatica is spinal decompression therapy. Spinal decompression will either involve inversion therapy or a spinal decompression device. In some cases, spinal decompression therapy is performed by a chiropractor or physical therapist. However, there are many ways to do spinal decompression in your own home safely by using an inversion table. For more information on this treatment for sciatica please browse our website.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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