Herniated Disk Surgery

If you have been recently told that you need surgery for a herniated disc, be advised that there are other less invasive options available to you.

A herniated disk is problem that took years to develop. You cannot get rid of it by treating only the end result, meaning the pain and the herniated disk. Once you let surgeons go in and do their work, you’ll have to spend time recovering in pain. You’ll lose productive time and money in multiple doctor’s visits and prescription medications. You could even end up with a serious complication from a prescribed medication or from the surgery itself!

Don’t go through all of this without checking out our holistic, safe approach that treats the root cause of your herniated disc first. After you’ve healed from an invasive surgery, you muscle imbalance will still be there waiting to injure you again the next time you are gardening.

Remember, it’s not the act of gardening or lifting that heavy object that caused your herniated disc, although it is tempting to think so. You pulled a muscle in your back by leaving it to overcompensate for weaker opposite and adjacent muscles through years of bad posture or inactive “activities” such as working for long hours at a desk.

At LosetheBackPain, we will get you an individually designed exercise program to target your muscle imbalance, so you can correct the underlying issue and significantly or permanently get relief from back pain associated with a herniated disk, negating the need for surgery.

Until your muscles become balanced once again, you can take advantage of our completely natural method of pain relief Heal n’ Soothe. This safe treatment for pain is not made up of synthetic chemicals or substances that will end up taking a toll on your liver. It is a collection of natural enzymes, some of which have been in use to reduce inflammation for thousands of years.

Enzymes are naturally found in the body and in plants and animals. They are nature’s anti-inflammatory, and come without any of the harmful risks posed by taking traditional non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Not only do they reduce inflammation, but enzymes also naturally purify the blood, break down scar tissue and fibrosis, fight and kill viruses, and maintain a healthy immune system.

The enzymes found in Heal n’ Soothe will advance healing without any side effects.

Between our natural anti-inflammatory enzymes and our targeted exercises, you will be able to seriously reconsider the need for surgery; but you must do the work.

Understand that not every exercise or stretch is appropriate. The muscles you have overdeveloped or that have become weakened in your back are not the same as someone else’s. Once you take a look at our Muscle Imbalance Therapy program, you will be able to perform simple tasks that will highlight which muscles you need to strengthen the most.

Herniated discs should not require surgery because the condition is not an orthopedic disease. In fact, disc degeneration is the normal result of aging. Before you step into a surgeon’s office, first visit LosetheBackPain.

Filed Under: Herniated Disc
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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