Did you know… simple viral infections like the common cold, flu, and pneumonia cause major problems for folks over the age of 65?
So if you’re getting up there in years — or have an elderly family member — you’ll want to pay close attention to this virus killing “secret.”
Now, you’re probably aware antibiotics are useless against viruses.
Antibiotics only kill bacteria – not viruses.
In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports overuse and misuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance to antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
And even if you use antiviral drugs (the few that are available)… most are ridden with some of the worst side effects in medicine.
So if Big Pharma’s drugs won’t do squat to knock out a virus, then what will?
Health experts worldwide are now telling people to kill and ward off nasty viruses by replenishing your body’s supply of natural “virus killing” enzymes…
Insider Tip – The Virus and Pain Killer Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About
Research shows systemic enzymes can improve (and even cure) more than 101 conditions and diseases. Discover the enzyme secret to improve your health today.
Proteolytic enzymes
These enzymes help you knock out that cold that just won’t quit, and there’s even sound scientific evidence that proteolytic enzymes can fight off disease.
There are three specific ways proteolytic enzymes help kill viruses dead in their tracks. (And #3 is BY FAR the most important – and overlooked.)
The first of proteolytic enzymes’ many talents is their ability to “eat up” the protective coating on a virus.
3. Systemic proteolytic enzymes eat up virus’ protective coating
The outer protein coating on a virus, called the capsid, protects the virus and helps it to attach to a host cell and multiply. This protective coating is part of what makes viruses so difficult to eliminate from your body.
Viruses also have protein spikes that extend from their outer layer. These spikes help the virus infect new cells and contact surfaces.
Research shows bromelain, a type of systemic enzyme found in pineapples, has a cleaving effect on both of these parts of some viruses1.
But not only do proteolytic enzymes rid a virus of its protective outer coating. They also support your immune system, helping it to further rid your body of viruses, for an effective two-pronged virus-busting attack.
2. Systemic enzymes also ramp up your immune system to rid your body of viral infection
Let me be clear:
Your immune system – NOT pharmaceutical drugs – is your body’s #1 defense against viruses.
You see, your immune system attacks viruses on multiple levels.
For instance, immune system cells may attach to a virus directly to kill it before it enters your cells. If it makes it inside your cells, it can “flag” them so that your immune system’s T-cells can destroy it.
Plus, once you’ve been exposed to a virus, your body remembers the virus so that if you’re exposed again it can quickly launch an attack to defeat it.
And proteolytic enzymes are scientifically proven to help balance your immune system.
According to Michael Sellar, editor of Enzyme Digest:2
“With systemic oral enzymes we can get the benefit of drugs without their side effects and long-term dangers. They can help control inflammatory processes by lowering elevated inflammatory markers and boost many components of the immune system to fight bacterial and viral infections.”
So not only do proteolytic enzymes rid a virus of its protective outer coating, rendering it inert, they also support your immune system, helping it to further rid your body of viruses.
Yet, there’s a third way that proteolytic enzymes help you steer clear of bugs and viruses. And this might be the most important. You won’t read about this in any mainstream publication, or hear about it from your doctor. Yet, this is the “villain” hiding in the shadows that health experts say could be the #1 thing keeping you or a loved one from living a long, healthy life.
What am I talking about?
1. Systemic enzymes dissolve excess fibrin hiding viruses and bacteria
Fibrin is that “sticky” scar tissue your body uses to help cover and heal wounds. It’s a natural part of your immune system.
Fibrin can help make a scab on a wound, but it’s also used to isolate an injured area of your body. By isolating an injury, your immune system protects the area while using white blood cells and other proteins to fix the problem.
Fibrin is sticky, strong and forms a very fine “mesh” that looks like a net.

Fibrin on red blood cells.
Under normal circumstances, fibrin is not a problem.
But in our modern world, fibrin is overproduced.
In most people, fibrin is a runaway freight train.
This overproduction of fibrin doesn’t come from injuries, but from chronic inflammation caused by environmental toxins and highly processed foods.
The fibrin “mesh” is so fine, it can trap red blood cells that deliver oxygen.
Over time, excess fibrin acts like a web which BLOCKS blood flow and traps red blood cells, preventing oxygen from reaching tissues and waste from being removed.
Now maybe you’re wondering…
What is the link between fibrin and dangerous viral infections?
What is the link between fibrin and dangerous viral infections?
Research published in the journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology showed that immune system hyperstimulation in flu patients was linked to their increased fibrin levels.3. When excess fibrin builds up, your immune system is more likely to overreact.
When your immune system overreacts, the flu virus can more easily reproduce and get worse. In recent months, we’ve seen how COVID-19 also gets worse with over coagulation and overstimulated immune response.
This is where proteolytic enzymes come to the rescue.
Proteolytic enzymes naturally dissolve excess fibrin. And like rats abandoning a sinking ship, those viral cells scurry out into the open. Your immune system goes to work and kills these nasty bugs.
And know this:
Proteolytic enzymes are your body’s only defense against excess fibrin.
Now, proteolytic enzymes are naturally produced in your pancreas. But your natural production of proteolytic enzymes declines with age. It starts to go down around age 27. And by age 40, your proteolytic enzyme production drops off a cliff.
And to make matters worse, studies show our modern environment – a “toxic soup” of chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals – is also causing our proteolytic enzyme levels to plummet.
And it’s nearly impossible to replace your store of proteolytic enzymes through diet alone, even with a diet of only healthy, organic foods.
But you can safely and easily replace them through supplementation. And unlike many vitamins and drugs, you literally cannot get too many enzymes.
When one considers how helpful they are for reversing damage in your cardiovascular system… relieving joint pain… inflammation from diabetes… AND killing viruses…
It’s not just a “good idea” to find a high-quality proteolytic enzyme supplement for daily use…
It’s essential.
This information should not be so hard to find. That’s why I’m offering readers a free copy of my special report, The Enzyme Secret: 101 Conditions and Disease Improved By Enzymes.
Click the image below to instantly download your copy. No sign-up or email required. It’s yours to have now.
See also:
The Powerful Health Benefits of Systemic Enzymes
7 Tips to Stay Calm, Healthy, and in Control During Coronavirus
Tried it, very good products, But, the market promo,looks like reap- off. E.g,buy 3 get 2 free, you are realy paying for total of 5 ( whole), not even 1/2 off.
Very expensive product. Pls.consider the snr.citizens who lives on pension now!To invest #300+ on a product from pension,no payments plan?.
Hi Muyiwa,
In fact, we do offer a monthly payment program that allows you to simply buy one bottle per month and still save.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team through any of the methods listed here:
Best wishes,
Steve Coombes
Managing Editor
Have you heard if this product is killing and enabling the immune system to totally eradicate the body of herpes virus?
Hi Billy,
The FDA does not allow specific health claims as Heal-n-Soothe is a supplement, not a drug. No money in that for Big Gov & Big Pharma. 🙂
However, since herpes is a virus, and proteolytic enzymes are used by your body to break up the fibrin coating viruses like to hide behind as discussed in this article, it may help and can’t hurt.
Another option you might want to try for herpes is colloidal silver. There have been some studies showing its effectiveness on that, such as this one:
Best wishes,
Steve Coombes
Hi Steve,
Is the herpes virus brought by chicken fox the same Kind OF those being referred to viruses OF sexually transmitted disease referred to by China study with the suggested cure?
Thanks a lot.
Chicken pox is not the same as the sexually transmitted herpes viruses, but it is one of the over 25 known types of herpes viruses – specifically, Varicella-Zoster.
Again, we can’t give specific medical advice however both enzymes and colloidal silver are powerful tools in the natural health toolshed for fighting viruses of all kinds! Another great natural remedy for viruses I just recalled – especially helpful for flu, but might be helpful for chicken pox (not sure) – is black elderberry syrup. Sambucol is a brand trusted by our family for that.
Hope that helps!
Steve Coombes
Do you know if silver has been helpful with Epstein Barr or Chronic Fatigue virusee?
Question: can one experience “die-off” symptoms when taking proteolytic enzymes?
I hope I’m having “die-off” symptoms. I am taking Heal & Soothe for muscle pain in my legs… and it seemed to help at the beginning but I am in the second month… and even though I upped the doseage, my legs are in such pain I can hardly walk. Is this normal? is it going to get better?
Mary, can you please be more specific when you say die-off symptoms? are you taking Heal n Soothe now and are you experiencing some symptoms?
continued washing and antibacterial hand sanitize rs are not helping to fight virus contamination your hands already have an anti virus enzyme on them if you wash it away you leave yourself vulnerable. Once again we are all doing the wrong thing. it would actually make more sense to occasionally lick your hands rather then wash them. the enzymes are actually that powerful
Is there any way I can make the enzymes at home all by myself with sprouting grains, or something, as I have no money. Thank you.
I believe that increasing your consumption of fermented foods (sourkraut, kefir, kimchi, buttermilk) will have much the same effect.
When will this be available in Canada. I am going to las Vegas next week how can I get some.?
Could this product help with neuropathy or sciatica?
I have had burning, tingling in feet and other areas for over 7 years.
Lynn, We can ship up to 3 bottles of Heal n Soothe to any one customer in Canada.
I also was wanting to know if this would help with peripheral neuropathy or not
There is a product called NeuroQuell that is pretty effective made by Health Assure.
Glenn, For the most part, systemic enzymes help restore and support the bodies immune response to an injury, so I can not give you a specific answer as to the degree of success you would feel taking systemic enzymes for peripheral neuropathy.
When i click on the link to purchase this product, it says that it cannot be shipped to my country. (Australia)
this is Terry Lynch and I live in PORT Noarlunga here in South Australia -and the few orders I have made for a variety of their products; have easily been delivered to my home address. Sure the getting here to Aussie does take a bit longer, but each one has arrived -and the next order(paid today online) will as well.
Cheers, Terry. -and just get the order approved/paid and it will arrive for you.
Frank, Please understand that you Gov, only allows you to order a 3 month supply at a time, so please try again and limit your order to 1 or 3 bottles at a time…
Hi all, Is the product enteric coated as stomach acid might destroy the enzymes would it not?
Joan, We use fungal sourced enzymes and they do not have to be enteric coated like animal sources enzymes…
Good morning…I have been a customer for a while…(I have used Rub on Relief) and actually ordered a three month supply of Heal n Soothe…but I was taking antibiotics (for several months) to treat Lyme Disease, so I never ends up using the product (it mentioned somewhere about not using in conjunction with antibiotics I believe?). At any rate, I kept the bottles under refrigeration and would like to give this a try. I understand that they may be less effective, but I read that they are fungal sourced, so would they be harmful to take? It had been several years (I would have to check the expiration date), but it was (and is) a significant investment and I’d like to know. I have learned a bit more about my health and genetics since then…Do y’all offer over the phone consult about products or is this the best way to ask questions? Thank you! Glad y’all are still around!
1. Correct we do not suggest or support the use of Heal n Soothe while taking antibiotics.
2. As long as the expiration date has not passed the product will be fine, the product is produced to guarantee the label doing for 2 yrs… That said, we do not suggest or support the use of taking any supplement past it expiration date…
3. Some of the enzymes are originally derived from mushrooms and yes the enzymes are fungal sourced and yes they are 100% safe to take, as there is no fungus within the product its self just enzymes…
Steve HBI-Staff
can this helps to cure my pain and swollen angle???
Malili, No Heal n Soothe is not cure, it is a supplement to help support the bodies production of systemic enzymes, the very enzymes that are responsible for many metabolic processes, our bodies go through every day, that keep us happy healthy and whole…
Steve HBI-Staff
I have gout and arthritis in my ankles and big toe as well as a lumpy type of gout in my index finger. I cannot take anti inflamnatories I am told because of low kidney function. Will this product help these problems and also if I take it will my kidney function deteriorate?
It is the job of systemic enzymes, the very enzymes already in our bodies that help support immune function, but when things get out of balance and the body does not have what it needs, people get stuck… Heal n Soothe use those very same enzymes in order to help rebalance your systems and in turn supports the bodies ability to recover.
In your case, I have to caution you that any and all supplements are formulated for healthy adults and if you have a medical condition, only your physician can answer your questions regarding if you can take it or not… I can say that for the past 11yr Heal n Soothe has had an excellent safety record and our customers love the product…We just ask that you consult your physician first and if they agree we will be glad to work with you…
Steve HBI-Staff
Would this product help with the swelling in my legs. I’ve had every test to figure out why this is happening, but still know answers. I’ve had this problem for the last ten years and I’m on two medications to help rid my body of excess fluids. I’d like to get off of them and find a more natural way of dealing with the issue. Can this help?
Hi I take thyroxine tables as I’ve had my thyroid removed is it ok to take Heal and smooth
Hi I have had my spleen removed and 60% of my pancreas out can I take heal And smooth
Pauline, While we know of no reason why you could not take them, we have to ask you to consult your physician on the matter as only they know your complete medical history and only then can make that determination.
Steve HBI-Staff
I just had 2 vertabrae disks removed and titanium cages inserted . I am suppose to eat a high protein low carb diet to build up the bone material around the titanium cages. Will this product interfer with my bone growth? I am 2 weeks past surgery.
Kathy, Heal n Soothe will not interfere with bone growth.
Steve HBI-Staff