Who should NOT take Eye Essentials?

This product may not be appropriate for all persons. Discontinue use if you suspect the product is causing you any discomfort. If you have questions about the ingredients or are considering this product please consult your health care practitioner before taking this product. As with all dietary supplements, those who are … Read More

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How to get the best results from your Pinhole Glasses?

Never wear you pinhole glasses while driving or operating any type of machinery   1. Why are we sending you these Pinhole glasses? The Pinhole glasses are being given to you as part of the process of helping to reduce the strain in your eyes. The muscles of the eyes are under continues strain and that tension in the muscl … Read More

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How long should I use Eye Essentials?

Eye Essentials is formulated for long term use, in order to support the eyes and visual acuity as you age. Add Eye Essentials to your daily supplement regimen for best results. … Read More

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